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Bill Henslee
Recent Activity
Why can't some "progressives" learn about how the economy works with free enterprise.
From Adam Smith's explanation of the "invisible hand" that directs economies, to Milton Friedman's wonderful TV series, to Mr. Di Leo, so many intelligent men have tried to simplify basic rules of economics to the functionally illiterate morons that believe the economy is just some sort of big rock candy mountain waiting for them to take some away.
Di Leo: The Painter and the Shutdown
By John F. Di Leo - As we watch our jobless claims skyrocket, our businesses close, and our government print currency in an effort to make us feel better about it, this may be a good time to take a step back, and consider what economic activity really is, at its heart. What is money? How i...
Bill Henslee is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 4, 2020
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