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Sonia Bellhouse
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Fascinating stuff- I can certainly believe when I visit some of the old churches and castles.York Minster was particularly dense with history and the past. My personal experience. I was sitting with my mother in hospital as she was dying and I wasn't thinking of anything at all. I saw a shadow figure in the corner of the room- nothing more than a silhouette as I glanced away my mother passed and then the figure was gone.It stunned me, as it was completely unexpected.I have never doubted this was what happened.
Do You Believe in the Supernatural?
Nicola here. Halloween and the long dark nights of winter may seem a more appropriate time to be talking about ghosts and the paranormal, in this part of the world at least, but in other places such a Japan the summer twilight is the time for sitting around a campfire and telling chilling tales...
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May 4, 2020
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