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Sue Tipler
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Thank you for this Lynn! I too have suffered with arthritis, in fact I've had both hips replaced due to it's ravaging destruction and pain. I am now pain free from that, thank you Father. I also suffer with Restless Legs Syndrome, I've dealt with it since I was pregnant with our daughter in 1997-98. It has been debilitating at times, and currently the only thing that helps me is a transdermal medication patch that is very expensive. If it ever stops working I'm not sure what I'll do since I'm currently using the highest recommended dosage. Sometimes the sensations come along despite the medication and doing things that distract me are helpful: Facebook, "sleep wave" music, solitaire on the computer, etc. Or I just kick myself to sleep in the guest room. I've tried praying it away and it gets worse, so I stop. Here's another interesting thing: whenever I've tried to read, especially anything Biblical, my legs rage even more. I can't help wondering if this affliction is from the enemy; it even seemed to plague my mother who'd complain about terrible leg cramps. My daughter also experiences it at times and I wonder sometimes about my son when he'd get "growing pains" in his legs growing up. I'll be praying for healing in this area, since I get robbed of sleep (and peace) as a result. Thank you again my friend!
Toggle Commented Aug 11, 2020 on Jesus, Our Healer - Part I at Lynn Donovan
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Aug 11, 2020