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Colleen Raye
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It's nice to see a positive review of this film. I was indifferent to it when I first saw it but have come to like it more and more. It seems that those who have given it a bad review don't seem to understand what the term "based on a novel" means, or as you noted, compared it to "L.A. Confidential" (1997). I would be interested to see the original cut, just to see what was removed. There are a couple of publicity stills that don't match anything in the finished film, plus, I would love to see more of those interiors, like Kay's apartment, etc. I think Mark Isham's score is excellent and have used some of the soundtrack for my youtube videos.
"THE BLACK DAHLIA" (2006) Review
"THE BLACK DAHLIA" (2006) Review Judging from the reactions among moviegoers, it seemed quite obvious that director Brian DePalma’s adaptation of James Ellroy’s 1987 novel had disappointed them. The ironic thing is that I do not share their feelings. A good number of people – including a r...
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Nov 12, 2020
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