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Daniel Metz
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Warren also said that "we may think that our conscience is the right one and others' consciences are incorrect, but that view is incorrect. Our consciences are unique, just like our fingerprints, because our life experiences affect how we apply Bible principles. We have to learn to not condemn others for their choices that are different than ours." Some brothers and sisters love strictness. They love to avoid things because they believe that they are applying Bible principles strictly. These persons have to be reminded of the clear Biblical teaching about different consciences in 1 Corinthians and in Romans. I used to be extremely strict with myself. Over time, I have become less so, because I concluded that I was unreasonable. I was perfectionist. My experiences have affected my conscience too.
I couldn't agree more, Tom! This point about different Christians making different conscientious decisions was emphasized by one of my former circuit overseers, Warren Shewfelt (now on the Canadian Branch Committee and interviewed in the recent coronavirus roport by Brother Splane). Formerly, circuit overseers could give service talks that they composed themselves, and Warren gave this talk where he explained the same thing as Brother Henry.
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May 7, 2020