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Yes, it is difficult, but that is where the freedom is, isn't it? You spell it all out in your book. I know you had a great session of releasing the name that came to your mind. Hugs to you.
Bless Those in Ministry - No Matter What!
By Martha Bush In her book, Marching Around Jericho, Lynn describes the power of blessing: “Blessing is a beautiful gift of love that comes from our heart and voice. And the astonishing truth is this: the heavenly realm responds when we release blessings. When we bless, I know our Father smile...
How well I know, Pam. I was doing my share of criticizing, but thankfully I got stopped in my tracks. The freedom that comes with forgiving and blessing is like no other. Blessings to you and your family.
Bless Those in Ministry - No Matter What!
By Martha Bush In her book, Marching Around Jericho, Lynn describes the power of blessing: “Blessing is a beautiful gift of love that comes from our heart and voice. And the astonishing truth is this: the heavenly realm responds when we release blessings. When we bless, I know our Father smile... is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 22, 2020
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