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Eddie Youngs
Recent Activity
Hi Jon, I note from an article posted on the Cycle World website by Kevin Cameron on December 18, 2019 entitled 'Volker Rauch Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing Photo Gallery' that you wrote an article in Cycle World in May 1995 in which you mentioned the circa 100,000 photos taken by Volker Rauch during his career. Can you tell me where these are archived as I would very much like to get in contact with the owner / manager of these.
Many Thanks, Eddie Youngs
Once, I Was A Racer!
Satchel Paige’s famous quote comes to mind: “Don’t look back. Something might be gaining on you.” This week, I’ve looked back. Looked back more than 20 years, to a time when I worked at a motorcycle magazine. Looked back to an assignment, one that I joyfully accepted, to go racing. And in lookin...
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Jul 15, 2020
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