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Damien Ruud
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Very interesting about Retrograde Venus, Robert! I have Natal Venus Retrograde in Aquarius in the 9th House. I've noticed the aspect of the Internalization of what would be a normal Direct Venus in my earlier life (I'm 40 now) but checking my Progressed Chart my Venus is now direct in the sign of Capricorn and many of my Current platonic relationships fit this archetype. Love relationships and even finances right now suggest an incomplete or affected Venus function which will definitely have me reading this book to heal or make more complete Venus and her presence in my life. Thank you for sharing!! D.
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"Neptune in Aries" - I've had my eye on this transit for AWHILE now. The "Religion of the Self/Individual". Ya, so many developments or evolutions as the 3 Outmost planets ingress into new signs. We ain't seen nothing yet.
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My Natal Midheaven is at 19 Aquarius so I'm definitely feeling the immanence of this Saturn(Ian) motion and I'm also actively doing things (like working on my music and writing) that help create tangible (Saturn) manifestations (also Saturn) in my world. Also as Midheaven is the 10th House Cusp (as well as a Major Angle) I think the things we do when that area is active can indeed have spades of (Vision) as it's very much the view of things from the Mountaintop. Thanks again Robert.
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So happy to be taking part in this!! :)
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I think between now and May, there is need to stay Conscious of one's own Authentic Direction and not fall into Group-think or Group-feel. I do agree that Jupiter's move into Pisces symbolizes the culmination of 11-12 years of Jovian experience which will be Renewed and "New" when Jupiter enters Aries in May. IMO, we've left the Piscean Age behind so this Jupiter in Pisces is merely a "tuning" of those Trans-personal Areas that we'll need when living and working in the New Aquarian Areas. This with the "6" Numerology of the "2022" World Year for the next 12 months we are truly "At home within Ourselves". Hope you had a great X-mas, Robert. :)
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"In the next few weeks we’ll definitely see manifestations of a new global energy unrelated to anything of the past or any local condition or tradition. Simply put, this is the beginning of something we haven’t seen before!" Lovely and great article, Robert. I'm wondering though, in the quote above that I posted, what planetary transit is leading you to this posit? I'm thinking Jupiter in the last degrees of Aquarius and leading into Pisces at the end of the month? Or could it be the sextile between the Sagittarius stellium for this New Moon and Saturn in Aquarius. It does seem like we are moving into new eras recently. Aho. :)
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Great update Robert. My awareness is focused on Mercury trine my Midheaven (in Aquarius), trine my Moon (in Gemini), and conjunct my Saturn (in Libra). This happening as Mercury makes its way back to 25 degrees of Libra where it went retro! My Creativity is positively FLOWING while any blocks or elements of resistance are dissolving, alchemizing, or just evacuating (lol!). For me, graceful flow forward while keeping an eye (or two) on that Prize definitely resonates. The financial sector of my life is the one to really get up to the levels of other parts while strengthening my connection and access of Higher Mind/Higher Consciousness is the "through-line". I can't say anything but my life is in the best place its ever been when EVERYTHING is tallied. Navigate and succeed! Aho.
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Very interesting, informative, and educational Article, Robert. It was interesting to me how the Ruler of the House and the Planet on the cusp of the House work together. Also that empty natal houses show places with growth or learning potential and can be changed by progressed ingresses into them. My Natal Saturn is in Libra in the 5th House, so naturally Venus and Saturn are informing each other’s expression. I write this as Saturn is transiting exactly conjunct my Natal Venus. It seems like creative work or creative “refinement” is the theme right now. Aho!
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BANG ON article, Robert!! I wrote down most of it in my journal as I feel it is the best compass with which to guide me (outside of my own intuition or sensing). “new quality of being rendering the old patterns obsolete” This is spot on, as a lot of those irrelevant and outdated patterns have been leaving IN DROVES over the past week and a half. I've been staying on course through it with that sense and intuition guiding me. Definitely want to do a full reading with you soon. I'll be in touch. Blessings! <3
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Fascinating article, Robert. As usual! I've been looking at this whole Taurus-Aquarius square from the angle of "Whole" or "Full-bodied" individuals (Taurus) coming into, as you say, "Collaborative Group Work" (Aquarius). It's very clear to me that this square is ultimately productive and is helping us develop the "fullness" of who we are so that we can come into these new "Tribal" circles with the greatness that allows us to embody the beauty of the collaborative meeting. "If 2020 was a crucial point of emergent power, this year is one of persisting in a great vision despite the friction from forces which don’t want to budge." Yes, I think this is a by-product of the growth and expansion Jupiter has been expressing and manifesting through Aquarius. I think the "old programming", as it were, from both the Piscean Age and the dregs of the Capricornian transits which brought up "worn and torn Earth archetypes", is being de-conditioned in favor of the new Aquarian archetypes which are helping, through the aforementioned expansion of Jupiter and the crystallization and pruning of Saturn, to really form that vision but that also physical manifestation of the Consensus Circle of the Sea of Humanity. Uranus in Taurus is helping us receive the inspiration and insight from Higher Mind that brings us into a greater connection to and realization of the Body, the Manifest World, our Senses, our Assets, and our Values. I also do resonate with the point you have been making for awhile that these New Moons (and I think Full Moons?) are indeed serving the purpose of removing blocks or blindspots which prevent happiness and joy from entering our lives. I've been noticing this detox within happening for the past couple of weeks. I have Mercury at 3 degrees Aquarius and Venus at 7 degrees Aquarius so the movement and passage of Jupiter and Saturn to and past these natal positions has left a profound affect on me and a profound amount of development and evolution. I feel I am now able to help meet people in that Circle and help DO that collaborative "group work" when the time comes for it. I think mentally and emotionally there has been some re-patterning going on as well as i've had to discard old thought forms and emotional forms in favor of new awareness and new realization of the importance of my Community (Aquarius) and my Physicality/Physical presence in this world (Taurus). What a journey since the Grand Conjunction on Dec. 21st! I look forward to part 2 of this article. :)
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"emerging synthesized Air understanding." I'm curious Robert what you mean or see in this?
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"Set in a course, Mr. Crusher!" "Engage!" <3 So on this Trek forwards with everyone. <3 <3 <3
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Beautiful article Robert. Although I see a different "existential rollout" shall we say in terms of certain aspects related to transits during the next 20 year period I COMPLETELY AGREE with the general gist of what you are saying here. Something that i've been repeating to my own astrological clients in the past two weeks it, "Meditate on being able to see and grasp the Uniqueness and Value of all Individuals apart from the Role they Play on the Stage of Life be they Gardener, Professor, or Movie Star." I think a central aspect of this new era is that Communal Commune-ing, a central recognition of a Tribal past that can be elevated to a new standard of Aquarian equanimity and egalitarianism. I also think the possibility of everyone contributing to this Whole is ripening and our "Social Tribe" will only increase in size as we move forward. We are Now the Ones we've been Waiting For. <3<3
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I think what is central to the point that Robert is trying to make is that: The bifurcation taking place between what he terms "Upper Humanity" and "Lower Humanity" seems to be occurring in the mode of movement from Unconsciousness to Consciousness. I've noticed this for many years, ever scaling and distinct "fields" or "groupings" of individuals. Some of whom Aspire and some of whom Descend. It seems that as one achieves greater amounts of Conscious Awareness the doorway opens to a higher caliber and a great conception of Self in relation to the Personal, Inter-personal, and Trans-personal. The Natural Evolution of all Conscious Forms is to this calibre of poise and repose. Those who are not prompted to or who do not have the will to do anything but Descend down and away from the day light of Conscious Mindedness existentially, emotionally, spiritually, and action-ally stratify and segregate themselves from the Aspiration population which have guided themselves to their Self-Becoming. It's through this Guidance to Knowing that is buoyed by Faith in oneself and certainty of Intuitive direction that the population that has separated continues to Elevate to greater echelons of Self-development, Self-love, and Self-regard, the altitude of which never reaches a knowable ceiling. Those who continue a downward march towards separation from their Natural Progression and Evolution to a Forward, Progressive, Consciously Aware state simply imbue their export with dissolution. The Will to Guide one's Self to One's Own Becoming occurs when Natural Orientation to True and Authentic Pathways is achieved and developed lifetime after lifetime.
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Absolutely thrilling and positively uplifting reading your words here. Jupiter is sitting right on my Sun at 17 degrees and both it and Saturn are currently in my 8th House which has positively benefitted from their inflections throughout the year. I have Mercury natally conjunct Venus both within the first 10 degrees of Aquarius (Mercury at 3 degrees and Venus at 7 degrees). As an astrologer myself, i've been tuned into the forthcoming alignment of Jupiter and Saturn at 0/1 degrees of Aquarius this Winter Solstice since last year and have been integrating my interpretation of what it means in the readings that I give and to friends who I feel are tapping into the Zeitgeist that is occurring from this Aquarian Age Dawning. 2020 has been one of the quirkiest and wackiest years ever. In fact, the word "Wacky" perfectly describes the thoughts, feelings, emotions, moods, mental frameworks that i've experienced during the unfurlment of this "anum". I definitely have though experienced AMAZING breakthroughs in the realms of my Relationships (both casual and intimate) and in Finances which are positive expressions of my 8th House on all levels. Definitely may hit you up for an astrology reading because I feel that your interpretation of this Revolutionary Astrology is EXACTLY ON POINT. Thank you!
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Sep 30, 2020