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Bob Perron
Recent Activity
I will never forget "Uncle" Bill and "Aunt" Sarah Blackshaw. The Blackshaws and Dorley's raised my father, Oscar Perron, at their home on Joan Terrace in Hamilton New Jersey. His mother, Annie Weedon, passed when he was just a baby of 8 months. I was born in 1942 and was treated as family as the Blackshaws and Dorleys. Many days and hours were spent with uncle bill and his family over the years. His great sense of humor and his kindness are what I remember most. My parents, my sisters and I were present for the funerals of Bills mother Anne and sister Sarah Blackshaw. Also for his aunt Mary (Mamie) Dorley and her son Jim.
In later years He would visit my wife and I in Hamilton (just outside Trenton) New Jersey on those rare occasions
when he returned to the area. He was a joy to be around and we enjoyed many laughs together.
I miss him to this day.
Memorial Blog Content Updates
See Bill in fine form preparing his favorite dish: eggs. We also stumbled into a treasure trove of great writing by dad, including Bamboo Latrines (from WW II), Boundaries, A Front Porch in San Diego, and Holidays. Many more great comments, including by John Shean, Amy Schulemberg, the Sp...
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Jan 28, 2021
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