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Ann Walton Sieber
Recent Activity
I was fortunate to be good friends with Jan de Hartog in his final years. While he may have written as a younger man that he had trouble believing the distant shore homily, as an elderly Quaker full of light, love, and our shared cheesecake and bonhomie, I think Jan was getting closer and closer to knowing in his core the truth of his hopeful rhyme. I have strong hopes of seeing my friend again when I make my own voyage.
Jan de Hartog: If only I could believe the rhyme: "There is an old belief...."
If only I could believe the rhyme I had once found scribbled on the inside of a wardrobe in wartime England when I was billeted there during the war: There is an old belief that on some distant shore, far from despair and grief, old friends shall meet once more. But I could not believe it...
Ann Walton Sieber is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 4, 2021
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