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Colin Megson
Recent Activity
The next 10 years build of ludicrous wind and solar power plants (WASPPs) is the last we'll ever see. By 2030, SMRs from 3 suppliers, with build periods down to 2 years, will be operating. SMRs manufacturing green hydrogen (GH2) can decarbonise all energy use. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!!!
Logan Energy to support delivery of Holyhead Hydrogen Hub in Wales
Scotland-based clean energy solutions provider Logan Energy won a public tender contract with Welsh social enterprise, Menter Môn, to support the delivery of a hydrogen production plant, refueling and distribution hub in Holyhead, North Wales. The Holyhead Hydrogen Hub will be a first of its ki...
By 2050, the USA will need about 150 million tonnes of green hydrogen every year, to decarbonise all of its energy use.
Will this process scale up to anything like these levels to be useful to efforts to decarbonise the energy use of all nations?
Researchers create hydrogen-producing living droplets
Researchers at the University of Bristol in the UK and Harbin Institute of Technology in China have built tiny droplet-based algal factories that produce hydrogen, instead of oxygen, when exposed to daylight in air. An open-access paper on their work is published in Nature Communications. Nor...
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Nov 27, 2020
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