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John Jackson
Recent Activity
A Family Tree truly is the gift that keeps on giving!
Going Down the (Research) Rabbit Hole
Andrea here, musing on the stories we authors tell, and what sparks them. I get asked a lot about how I come up with ideas, and it’s impossible to give a simple answer. Inspiration comes in an infinite number of ways—many of them totally unexpected! And those serendipitous discoveries of fun t...
11 out of 13
Quite pleased with myself.
A Beastly Quiz — more Regency slang
Anne here, and for your entertainment in the lead-up to the festive season, here's a baker's dozen of questions — a "beastly quiz" on Regency slang terms involving creatures of various kinds. You'll need a pen and paper to note down your answers, then at the end, there's a link that will take yo...
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Dec 7, 2020
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