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Franz Brehme
Recent Activity
Dear A.P.:
the translation was just released here:
A.P. Canavan: “Let’s hunt some orc!”: Reevaluating the Monstrosity of Orcs
With the exception of dragons, one of the most recognizable monsters of genre fantasy is the humble orc. Orcs, commonly found in hordes (which I believe is the ™ term), are the readily identifiable, disposable foot soldiers of every evil wizard’s or Dark Lord’s army, and they are the ever-usef...
Dear A.P. Canavan: just realized that the Shadow of Mordor player-character is called Talion, not Talian. Best wishes.
A.P. Canavan: “Let’s hunt some orc!”: Reevaluating the Monstrosity of Orcs
With the exception of dragons, one of the most recognizable monsters of genre fantasy is the humble orc. Orcs, commonly found in hordes (which I believe is the ™ term), are the readily identifiable, disposable foot soldiers of every evil wizard’s or Dark Lord’s army, and they are the ever-usef...
Dear A.P. Thank you very much! I was already going to do as you suggested: credits and info of where it was first published. Also, when published, will post the link here! :) Sláinte!
A.P. Canavan: “Let’s hunt some orc!”: Reevaluating the Monstrosity of Orcs
With the exception of dragons, one of the most recognizable monsters of genre fantasy is the humble orc. Orcs, commonly found in hordes (which I believe is the ™ term), are the readily identifiable, disposable foot soldiers of every evil wizard’s or Dark Lord’s army, and they are the ever-usef...
Also, I would like to know if I am allowed to translate this article to Brazilian Portuguese, in order to post it in the website a Tolkien & fantasy site runned by a friend, Cristina Casagrande, an academic in fantasy.
A.P. Canavan: “Let’s hunt some orc!”: Reevaluating the Monstrosity of Orcs
With the exception of dragons, one of the most recognizable monsters of genre fantasy is the humble orc. Orcs, commonly found in hordes (which I believe is the ™ term), are the readily identifiable, disposable foot soldiers of every evil wizard’s or Dark Lord’s army, and they are the ever-usef...
This is the theme I am currently thinking about... Motivations of antagonists and respect with sentient life, even if they are orcs.
Amazing text, A.P. Thank you very much.
And this is a brilliant complement to the vision you gave in Philip Chase's channel concerning the Siege of Pale, in the MBotF / Gardens of the Moon and the notion of the Malazan Army biegn the orcs and Pale, Minas Tirith.
A.P. Canavan: “Let’s hunt some orc!”: Reevaluating the Monstrosity of Orcs
With the exception of dragons, one of the most recognizable monsters of genre fantasy is the humble orc. Orcs, commonly found in hordes (which I believe is the ™ term), are the readily identifiable, disposable foot soldiers of every evil wizard’s or Dark Lord’s army, and they are the ever-usef...
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Jan 2, 2021
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