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Tim Jonson
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It's astonishing that such a small company can innovate so much. A diesel PHEV that does 39 miles in electric mode?! Sign me up. Although I'm really waiting for the introduction of their REX option, a tiny wankel range extender option on the MX-30. Hurry up on that, Mazda.
@Traveltime: Tesla is led by an exceptional visionary, like him or not. Toyota and other conventional companies are not, and they therefore won't achieve the standout vehicles they need to, in order to gain a meaningful foothold. Toyota is very late to the BEV game and was also very slow to adopt Lithium and to create a PHEV. They also can't style a car- at all. The Prius Prime is downright ugly- and I own one. The only thing I've ever liked about Toyota is their reliability and low cost of ownership. Honda built the most efficient HEV 20 years ago, and at 60 mpg it has yet to be beat. That should embarrass every car maker.
There are probably a lot of places that have short routes and no night time service. So these ferries could be partially charged between trips and fully charged late at night. The main cost of shipping is in fuel, like aviation. So you other commenters should realize what a huge profit margin this vessel has on paper. Like electric aviation, this is definitely coming.
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Aug 26, 2021