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Ann Richardson
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Indeed we are. My great grandmother was Amanda Belle Bailey, pictured above. She married Charles Early Bailey and their daughter Eleanor married B. W. Wetherington, Jr. Their only child was my father, Joseph. My family and my mother's family come mostly from Tifton, GA.
I played softball for many years, from grade school through college. I broke at least five league and field records as a youth, mostly batting records, but also pitching. Like Buster I played every position in my time and would have played more if not for a rare bone disease that destroyed my knee. I hope Buster is inducted into the Hall of Fame, he truly deserves it.
I have Amanda "Belle" Bailey's cookbook which was passed down to me should you have interest. I also have a letter written by my grandmother that accompanies a quilt made by her family. The quilt was woven by Sarah Nelson on a loom made by hand by her father with yarn died by Sarah's mother if I recall. It is very old but well preserved.
I have no children and neither does my brother. We are the last of our line, so I would be pleased to connect with you and perhaps send photos of these items so that further generations could have these recipes and see this quilt if you have interest.
Please feel free to connect with me on Facebook and thank you for this post!
A Baseball Dynasty
I guess nothing should ever surprise me any more because I've seen and heard a lot in my half century here in earth, but occasionally something surprising and/or interesting happens and I am, as the British say, "gobsmacked." I love that word, GOBSMACKED. It describes things so visually. I got a...
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Oct 18, 2021
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