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Very interesting view on the "meta" aspect of playing a game--that the game constrains you to experience the same constraints that taking on Kung Fu in real life would involve, and thus allowing you to enter into Ryo's character.
I highly recommend that your readers also view the mentioned video "Shenmue 3 is a Terrible Game and I’ve Wasted My Life", which, in spite of its title, is a rather deep discussion on what games need to be from a narrative and experiential perspective. The narrator of that video also shares your desire to play Shenmue for intrinsic rather than extrinsic rewards.
Keep on playing slowly, we all benefit!
Thomas O'Dell
Game Design Lecturer
The Beautiful Closed World of Shenmue III
This is a critique not a review. If you want my review of Shenmue III it would be 'play this game if you have ever enjoyed a Shenmue game or are interested in unusual approaches to game narrative'. It takes me quite a while to get around to playing games these days, which helps insulate me fro...
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Jun 28, 2022
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