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Birthdays, Holidays, Empty Days
Birthdays, Holidays, Empty Days. Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2010 at's blog
Barb, I had palpatations for years. Original docs thought it was a valve issue. It wasn't. I had SVT's - supraventricular tachycardia. My heart would race for no rhyme or reason. You could see my pulse in my neck. For years I could reset it on my own, usually by drinking something very very cold, very very fast. That stopped working. I had to have Adenocard (IV form of defib, aka flatline) several time to reset it. Imagine being awake and getting flatlined - not fun. Finally, a specialist at Baylor diagnosed it as SVTs, went into my heart through a groin artery, did an internal EKG, found the extra "receiver" that I had inside my heart (that's what was creating the "triangular" beat pattern), and zapped it. I was back home that night. No more meds. No more palps. No probs in over 12 years. Wished I'd seen that doc years before. I hope your issue is as simple as mine, and the docs are able to remedy it as easily as mine did.
Heart beats. Heart POUNDS.
It started in my dream, the boom, boom, booming in my chest. Before the Dream Me could finish googling 'heart pounding' and 'anxiety attack', it shook me awake and I realized it was real, not a dream... my heart was actually pounding so hard, so fast and furiously, that it woke me from a sound s...
This is for all the lonley people...
This is for all the lonely people.... thinking that life has passed them by. Don't give up until you.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2009 at's blog
Notes from Vacation 2008
Well, I've finally gotten settled back in after vacation the last week of June/first week of July and found time to write about our adventures. Buddy went with us to Kingsland the first week, about an hour west of Austin and about 12 miles out of Marble Falls, on Lake LBJ (where the Lano and Colorado rivers connect, below Lake Buchanan). I went there with my parents and grandparents when I was a kid. It was odd to find the cabins that we used to stay at but kind of neat to walk in the same spot 40 years later... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2009 at's blog
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can...
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2009 at's blog
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Dec 3, 2009
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