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What is really hilarious and has not been commented on is the fact that obviously Indians are reading this blog, posting as though REALLY their call centers could ever be up to snuff. They steal personal info of the clientele and sell it to make 2 rupees.
Delta Returns Outsourced Call-Center Jobs From India To USA
From the Boston Globe newspaper: "Delta says it's no longer outsourcing reservation calls to India. Why? The move was made in response to years of complaints by American customers who say they sometimes have a tremendous amount of difficulty understanding the foreign telephone workers." The ai...
There are too many reasons why these jobs need to remain or come back to the U.S. I worked at a call center and people in the U.S. do not want to speak to anyone in India.
The customer service culture is non-existent in India. They have no idea how to take care of a customer and this is beyond frustrating to the clientele. Even if they are trained they will do what they like, often hanging up on the client.
I have been on both ends of the spectrum of this issue and even now deal with a call center for one of the biggest cosmetics companies in the world. I refuse to deal with them and this makes me not want to sell the products for this company.
Delta Returns Outsourced Call-Center Jobs From India To USA
From the Boston Globe newspaper: "Delta says it's no longer outsourcing reservation calls to India. Why? The move was made in response to years of complaints by American customers who say they sometimes have a tremendous amount of difficulty understanding the foreign telephone workers." The ai... is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 4, 2009
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