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good comic!
Netflix got me upset with everything their doing.
See the new page lolol
The Brads Demonstrates How Netflix is Getting Easier...
Brad Colbow put together a cartoon that shows how Netflix worked before and after the spinning off of the Qwikster DVD business... These are just the first few frames, you can read the rest of the comic on Brad's website. via Steven Hoober, used under a Creative Commons license.
Netflix got me upset with everything their doing.
See the new page lolol
What Do You Think of the Qwikster Name?
I think John Gruber at Daring Fireball asked the right question: "Why not the obvious? Mailflix?" There are many variations on "Flix" that Netflix could have bought, and other names like Flickr (my favorite) and Netdisc (both from Gizmodo's list). Dave Zatz worries that it'll be confused with Qu...
Laura is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 19, 2011
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