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Hi all..hopefully this will be helpful to you. I've used ST for over a year, porting my number from T-Mobile. So, I was excited about the Android.
The Precedent was given to me as a bday gift. I made my activation request in the evening, and it was working a few hours into the next day. However, I noticed I wasn't receiving ANY text messages. Slowly, one or two appeared...but nothing from my SO who is a Metro customer.
Long story...but it became apparent I was only receiving select texts. ST and Sprint worked, but nothing else. Ultimately, it took THREE mind numbing calls(seriously, it was bad - some of the reasons and excuses were ridiculous) to ST customer service for the problem to be resolved. In fact, I'm not convinced there won't be other problems. Please note, I live in a very large urban area where Sprint coverage is not an issue.
However, I will give the phone a chance, it has nice features - especially the talk to text option. My only other complaint is the short battery life.
Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy Precedent Review
I thought I was going to have a couple of weeks before I needed to work on my Staight Talk Samsung Galaxy Review. Like I mentioned in my Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy Preview, the Straight Talk website (the only place you can currently order this phone) said the phones wouldn't ship for a couple...
Lil_tattoos is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 28, 2011
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