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How Will Brick & Mortar Retail Survive Online Sales - Part One
This is the first in a series of posts about “online” vs. “brick & mortar” retail sales and what I consider the factors affecting both. It is my intention by this series of articles to facilitate thought, discussion and analysis in the hope of proposing helpful strategies to allow a healthy co-...
Great to see another web purchasing convert. Frank Feather predicted the demise of brick and morter in the 90's and he was wrong.
People like to go and buy things so brick and morter will never go away, but it is changed forever.
Also for many brick and morters that do well the web will help them do better.
I buy camera equipment from a store on the web that also has had a successful brick and morter for years.
So though it may change a lot about retail it will not abolish retail outlets.
The problem with retail is unemployment and a sluggish economy.
JW Najarian
How Will Brick & Mortar Retail Survive Online Sales - Part One
This is the first in a series of posts about “online” vs. “brick & mortar” retail sales and what I consider the factors affecting both. It is my intention by this series of articles to facilitate thought, discussion and analysis in the hope of proposing helpful strategies to allow a healthy co-...
Howard, I so appreciate this blog. I get so much crap for putting out blogs that veer off course even slightly, from commercial real estate. That is why I started
This blog lets me do more, but I still want to share with my CRE crowd great stuff like this.
CRE Professionals and Investors are people too and I hope I am right when I believe that they want to see interesting stuff that may pertain to business or service in general.
I believe I just have to stick to my guns and hope someone gets it.
Much Thanks
JW Najarian
Real Estate Customer Service
My wife just came in and yelled at me for purportedly yelling at a nurse at the doctor's office a few weeks ago. Now, let me make it clear, I did not yell at anyone, but I did refuse to do what the nurse wanted me to do. Fighting off my wife, (just kidding sweetheart), it got me thinking about...
A Facebook User added a favorite at Commercial Property Herald
Aug 17, 2011
Thumbs up on content and production, but as you know I do a lot of video and this grade of production takes time and money.
If we are to take the message to heart. We just need to get it done and build on the process over time, unless we have $$$$ funding.
Also video is very costly in time and resources so to make these kind of videos you need someone who alots a ton of time to them. Time many businessmen just do not have.
Also the big question is do these videos get more hits and traffic? The website gets a 2.6M Alexa number and a 1/10 Google rating. Hardly a player.
Their videos average less than 100 hits apiece... Not great.
If I were them, I would spend my time marketing the content and less time producing it.
Just my opinion.
Warmest Regards,
JW Najarian
Can Being a Perfectionist harm your real estate business
Link Legrand just posted this link to the KW Commercial SA blog site and video posting, with the title "Can Being A Perfectionist Harm Your Real Estate Business?" Usually, when I post to my own website, I like to comment upon the substance of the original post. But in this case, I am more incl...
A Facebook User is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 11, 2011
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