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T.M, I agree with you 100%!! There is just absolutely no way that someone that has an IQ of 85 to graduate with honors from Harvard Law.
Learning about all of these hiring practices makes me sort of happy. I was always under the impression that being black and a woman was a major strike against me but i guess I was wrong. I think that the only place where its a problem is in the dating/marriage arena( most men aren’t attracted to black women)
Toggle Commented Nov 22, 2011 on How the elite firms hire at Half Sigma
HS, Nothing is wrong with running marathons. People that aren’t fit or have health problems should cease participating in them. Its just that simple:)
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2011 on Marathons kill two more at Half Sigma
Unfortunately, I have to agree with Major. A law degree from ASU will always bar you from all things elite. Why did you go to ASU law anyways? Didn’t you graduate from a ivy league undergrad that is known for grade inflation? You mean to tell me that you couldn’t get a decent enough gpa and lsat score to get into one of the top 14 law schools?
Toggle Commented Nov 17, 2011 on Laundry and class at Half Sigma
HS, Did you check the grammar before you posted this? [HS: Obviously I didn't proofread the post very well.]
HS, Can you make a post on black women and white males? Anderson Cooper just made an episode on this topic.
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2011 on STEM gap at Half Sigma
[HS: I dislike Cain because of his ebonics accent. The president should be a role model for all Americans, and being a role model means speaking proper English.] And so what?? Bush had a stupid Southern drawl and was a complete idiot!! Cain is clearly an intelligent man and might I add business savvy. He is a role model to Americans. Its just hard for you to realize that because he isn’t white.
Toggle Commented Nov 3, 2011 on Herman Cain fiasco at Half Sigma
I think that you dislike Cain because he is a Black man. You have supported all sorts of “conservatives” up until now. Why does race matter to you so much? [HS: I dislike Cain because of his ebonics accent. The president should be a role model for all Americans, and being a role model means speaking proper English.]
Toggle Commented Nov 3, 2011 on Herman Cain fiasco at Half Sigma
Would you ever consider marrying and having children with a Black woman?
Toggle Commented Nov 2, 2011 on Good "climate change" talk at Half Sigma
Nebbish, Your right. I really need to stop obsessing over Jewish men or white men in general. If they are not interested in me than then they just are interested in me and I need to move on. Its just that I dreamed of it for so long. The handsome white/Jewish husband, nice home, two biracial children( two girls), and a good career. Its kind of devastating to me that it seems like it won’t happen.
Toggle Commented Oct 30, 2011 on Global cooling! at Half Sigma
HS, I ❤ Jewish males. Just today, while at a sushi bar near my campus I seen a Jewish man with his black wife and biracial son. It gave me hope.
Toggle Commented Oct 29, 2011 on Global cooling! at Half Sigma
HS, This country will never see a flat tax! HS, I sent you a email with pictures of me. Can you please rate my looks and tell me if I am attractive enough to attract a white male.
Toggle Commented Oct 26, 2011 on Flat tax at Half Sigma
Chris P, Yes, the children of doctors, lawyers, and company VP’s are middle class. Unless their Jewish and have connections. Thats why I hope and pray everyday that I marry a Jewish man.
Toggle Commented Oct 26, 2011 on Computers, education, and HBD at Half Sigma
HS, I am almost 100 percent positive that Obama will be reelected. P.S---I am still having trouble attracting white males. Can I send you a picture of me so that you can evaluate if I am attractive enough? I know it sounds weird.
Gadaffi has great taste in women!! He was infatuated with Condolezza Rice!! An educated black woman. I hope other leaders take notice. HS, Have you ever dated a black woman?
Toggle Commented Oct 21, 2011 on Let us mourn for Gaddafi at Half Sigma
Gadaffi was extremeley handsome as a young man.But I think it was the combination of too much plastic surgery and insanity that caused his good looks to go down the drain. HS, You should consider writing a book!!! I would purchase it and I am sure a lot of other people would.
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2011 on Let us mourn for Gaddafi at Half Sigma
Tom, Please stop with the propaganda!! That “study” that you linked to this site was completely bogus!!!
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2011 on Down with capitalism! at Half Sigma
HS, Do you think that white men are ashamed to be seen in public with black women? Do you think that if you married a black woman your parents would have disowned you? Is fear of disproval from peers a major determent form white males getting into a relationship with black women besides attraction?
Toggle Commented Oct 19, 2011 on Down with capitalism! at Half Sigma
I wouldn’t care if you were available and I never asked that! Just wanted to know who was giving me advice!!
Toggle Commented Oct 18, 2011 on The whiteness of Occupy Wall Street at Half Sigma
Bruce Banner, Are you a white male?
Toggle Commented Oct 18, 2011 on The whiteness of Occupy Wall Street at Half Sigma
HS, I wish Jewish men in my area were willing to date black women but their simply not. Jewish people tend to be quite cliquish. And besides, dating a black woman is considered dating down in the Jewish community(thats what I have heard). Its so disheartening!!
Toggle Commented Oct 17, 2011 on The whiteness of Occupy Wall Street at Half Sigma
@Bruce Banner- Jewish white guys and tall nerdish white men date asian chicks!! How am I supposed to break that barrier? Jewish men are my preference but I don’t think they would ever consider crossing that barrier. Most Jews just want to fit in or pass as white. Mixing with a black woman would ruin that. I am legit getting ready to pursue older white men. With that said, I am still determined to marry a successful white male (preferably Jewish) and have biracial children. [HS: Lots of Jewish men would like to show off a black girlfriend to demonstrate how socially enlightened they are. Only on paleoconservative websites does anyone think that Jews aren't white.]
Toggle Commented Oct 17, 2011 on The whiteness of Occupy Wall Street at Half Sigma
HS, Do you think me being a darker skinned black women be considered a negative to alot of white males? [HS: No, I don't.]
Toggle Commented Oct 17, 2011 on The whiteness of Occupy Wall Street at Half Sigma
HS, This article makes me sad!!!! Read the comments below its supports HBD and what Steve Sailer has been saying for years. HS, what are my chances?
Toggle Commented Oct 14, 2011 on Best comment this week at Half Sigma
You’re kidding, right? Mr. Cain holds advanced degrees in mathematics and computer systems engineering. He was a ballistics analyst (ie: a rocket scientist) for the department of the Navy before running numerous companies and achieving huge success. He has orders of magnitude more experience than the current occupant of the White House!!!
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2011 on HBD and America at Half Sigma