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Ross has a lot of people telling him what to do far he does not no. He is not Jerry Jones who gets all involved with player personnel decisions as well as hiring and firing coaches. He tries but he does not have it. A blind man can see change is needed at the HC level and GM. 0-5 and we still want have change. Ross is to cheap to change and the fans are to willing to keep allowing this to go on! Fans do not go to the DENVER game and send Ross a message!!
Why Ross has faith (for now) in Jeff Ireland; plus Canes, Heat
WEDNESDAY BUZZ COLUMN Many would say general manager Jeff Ireland is every bit as much to blame, or more, for the Dolphins’ problems as Tony Sparano. So why has Dolphins owner Stephen Ross considered replacing Sparano (and likely will at some point) but not Ireland? For starters, you rarely see ...
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Oct 5, 2011
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