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Hey guys It's classic, I got such a flash back now after my friend passed on the link! We did a trip this year April-July from RSA to Ethiopia and back, for more see About 100km's before Katavi National Park i got into a serious(ish) accident as I rolled my Land Rover after my tire came off the rim. Long story short, we eventually hopped our way into Mpanda where we stayed for 2 days. Thereafter my 2 mates continued the journey and I stayed behind in Mpanda living in the New Super City Motel for another 8 days. Had to sort insurance, recovery, sell goods etc. There after I backpacked the rest of Tanzania and Uganda before meeting up with them in Nairobi to continue our journey. Your pics really brought back classic memories of that quite ordinary West Tanzanian town which I came to love, never mind all the friends (and hippos at the bridge). Good luck with the rest of your journey and especially rattling your way through Northern Kenya and Sudan. Big up for the 200cc travel method, it's genius! By far probably the best and easiest to repair for any local. Regards
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Oct 6, 2011