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LIES, LIES, LIES, What kind of man would mislead, distort, and deceive just to win an election? This man would be Mitt Romney. Romney said he has always voted Republican when he had the opportunity. But in the 1992 Presidential Primary Romney had the chance to vote for George H.W. Bush or Pat Buchanan but he voted for a liberal Democrat instead. Romney said his investments in Fannie and Freddie were in a blind trust. But as reported in the National Journal, Romney earned tens of thousands of dollars from investments NOT in a blind trust. Romney denied seeing a false ad his campaign used to attack Newt Gingrich. But Romney's own campaign paid for the ad...Romney's own voice is on the ad approving the content. If we can't trust Romney in a debate, how can we trust him AS NOMINEE ? ENTER OMMIT XX http:X//tinyurl.Xcom/7yua4yn Speaker Gingrich is not afraid of bold ideas," Cain said. Video: http:X//tinyurl.Xcom/738mbl4 vote-for-newt-annoy-a-liberal- Sarah Palin - GREAT VIDEO !
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BE AWARE AMERICANS ! WILLIARD ROMNEY has NEGATIVE COMMERCIALS AGAINST NEWT 5 to 1 ( five to one) The GOP establishment wants Newt out of the picture, WE THE PEOPLE will overpower the ads 7 to 1 ( seven to one ) - Vote with the PEOPLE ! AVANTI FLORIDIANS ! HERMAN CAIN endorsed Newt, Sarah Palin is FOR Newt. Romney has forcefully spoken about his lifelong commitment to both the Mormon church and its tithing rules. He served as a missionary in France during the 1960s and as a Mormon Bishop in the 1980s. Rev. O’Neal Dozier, the conservative black pastor of Pompano Beach’s Worldwide Christian Center said:“Blacks are not going to vote for anyone of the Mormon faith,” Dozier said. “The book of Mormon says the Negro skin is cursed.”...
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WILLIARD ROMNEY has NEGATIVE COMMERCIALS AGAINST NEWT 5 to 1 ( five to one) The GOP establishment wants Newt out of the picture, WE THE PEOPLE will overpower the ads 7 to 1 ( seven to one ) - Vote with the PEOPLE ! AVANTI FLORIDIANS ! HERMAN CAIN endorsed Newt, Sarah Palin is FOR Newt. Romney has forcefully spoken about his lifelong commitment to both the Mormon church and its tithing rules. He served as a missionary in France during the 1960s and as a Mormon Bishop in the 1980s. Rev. O’Neal Dozier, the conservative black pastor of Pompano Beach’s Worldwide Christian Center said:“Blacks are not going to vote for anyone of the Mormon faith,” Dozier said. “The book of Mormon says the Negro skin is cursed.”...
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Pastor at Santorum rally: Americans won’t vote for Mormon president, Mormon church is racist by Andrew Abramson | January 22nd, 2012 Rev. O’Neal Dozier, the conservative pastor of Pompano Beach’s Worldwide Christian Center, told the Palm Beach Post Sunday that Mitt Romney cannot win the presidency because Americans won’t vote for a Mormon president. Following his third place finish in South Carolina, Rick Santorum made his first Florida campaign stop at Dozier’s church, where he gave a faith-based sermon. Dozier has been an outspoken critic of homosexuality and radical Islam. In November, former presidential candidate Herman Cain decided minutes before a speech not to have Dozier deliver his invocation, as was originally planned. “You can look at the June Gallup poll that shows the people have already spoken – 22 percent of the electorate will not vote for a Mormon,” Dozier said. “The American people will not vote for a Mormon to be president of the United States.” Dozier, who is black, said a Republican will need at least 10 percent of the black vote to win the presidency. “Blacks are not going to vote for anyone of the Mormon faith,” Dozier said. “The book of Mormon says the Negro skin is cursed.”
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Jan 28, 2012