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A Facebook User
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You are a Warrior Queen and, believe me, the drains are no big deal. They just hang off your body just like little fluid filled grenades. You will empty them and keep track of the amount of fluid and bring this info to your next appointment with your surgeon. You will kick ass, girl. You can depend on me for support and prayers. XOXO
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2014 on To Boob or Not To Boob? at Life in Boobburgh
When I was a young girl I was fortunate to have access to the original Nancy Drew books. My advice would be to try and find a vintage copy where Nancy still drives a roadster and not a Mustang. The older books have a much different feel than the later edited ones. My favorite would be either "The Clue in the Jewel Box" or "The Password to Larkspur Lane". As for Dickens...I'd go with either "A Christmas Carol" or, if you have the time to spend, "Great Expectations". Diane from St. Louis
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2014 on New Year's Read-a-lutions at My Weblog
All Summer Long by Kid Rock Summertime by Kenny Chesney Hey Soul Sister by Train Phonebooth by Maroon 5 And We Danced by The Hooters Rythmn of Love by Plain White Tees Firework by Katy Perry I Got A Feeling by Black Eyed Peas American Honey by Lady Antebellum I'm Yours by Jason Mraz It Happens by Sugarland
Toggle Commented May 7, 2012 on Summer Songs! at Life in Boobburgh
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Jan 31, 2012