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A Facebook User
Recent Activity
Jend: That's why I call myself agnostic. Because even if some amazing miracle happened, I think there would be many potential explanations for it, and there's no way we could know if "god" was the correct answer. Of course, I believe that "god" is whatever we define it as. So my own self-identity as agnostic atheist is a modified version of Ruby's: It depends on the definition of the god we're talking about. There are plenty definitions of god that I'm on board with.
And regarding the troll: "Dave" popped up right after the mods ordered Evil Atheist to r0t13 all his posts. He briefly had the same icon (which I believe is generated based on your email or IP address) but then the icon changed, though Dave didn't.
Hello to anyone who's clicked over from Pharyngula
It seems we've been mentioned rather disapprovingly on PZ Myers's blog, and we expect that skeptics who are interested in studying the evidence before drawing their own conclusions will be clicking over here to see what the fuss is about. So, hello and welcome. To address the issue: two thi...
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Jan 31, 2012
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