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San Luis Potosi-Santa Maria Del Rio-Santo Domingo
Roses are red, Mexicans are brown, thats my race, so dont put it Down!!
Interests: Echandole Ganas....Dificil....Pero no impossible..
Recent Activity
La Familia
The Mural La Familia honors unity. This mural is unique among other murals in Chicano Park, because it represents strength, love and support. This mural portrays strength the man whose appearance seems to be from Mexican decendence looks strong to protect his family. The woman shows love, in a way... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2012 at PAko Luchando Con La Vida
PAKO is now following Ashley
Mar 21, 2012
PAKO is now following Cassandra Palacios
Mar 21, 2012
PAKO is now following Karen Lua91
Mar 21, 2012
PAKO is now following Alma91
Mar 21, 2012
A taste of El Pachuco
Zoot Suit customs was not a simply style, it was valuable among different ethnicities. Most of all Chicano youth wearing these zoots were known as a Pachuco, and seen as a gang member. But Chicanos were not the only ones who wear the zoots, African Americans, Asian Americans and Americans... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2012 at PAko Luchando Con La Vida
Carta A Mama
Querida Mamita: Espero que te encuentres bien de salud y que hayas recibido sin novedad mi último envío. Quiero decirte que siento mucho que te haya rebajado la cantidad pero como te comentaba en anteriores cartas la situación está muy pero muy difícil. Mañana precisamente cumplo trece años de haber... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2012 at PAko Luchando Con La Vida
PAKO is now following Preciado
Feb 1, 2012
PAKO is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 1, 2012
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