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A Facebook User
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Thanks Chris , that is very interesting
Paul G
Why is Wall Street called Wall Street?
Did you ever wonder why Wall Street is called Wall Street? We all talk about Occupy Wall Street, an area of downtown New York that stretches across eight blocks from Broadway to South Street on the East River in Lower Manhattan. Over time, the phrase has come to symbolise the financial markets...
Great article and I agree with the comments from Robin and Hansel. The need for "technologists" will be an ever increasing skill as technology rapidly advances, however, my thoughts are that these roles will be assimilated into business functions eventually without the need to separate "IT" departments, especialy around software. Configurators using business modelling rather than developement shops internal to corporations.
Tell your CIO to get a new job (fast)
Just had an interesting banter about the future of technology with a technologist. We like to think that technology is special. It is. In the words of Arthur C Clarke: “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”, and he’s right. It is why I’ve spent my life being in aw...
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Feb 1, 2012
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