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Brad Pitcher
Recent Activity
A haiku for you:
I don't like bike grease,
the bane of my existence,
it makes me so mad!
Leg Shield Giveaway
Grease - it can be your friend or your enemy. We all love grease when it makes our chain or other bikes parts operate smoothly, but we hate grease when it gets on our "good" clothing. I actually don't ride in "good" clothing. I keep my "good" clothing at work and change when I get there. And...
Wow, I would love a pair of bullet proof glasses!
BTB Sunglasses Giveaway
I see it everyday but don't understand it - people riding bikes without glasses. I am forced to ride with glasses since I am blind without them, and on the rare occasion that I ride with contacts I need something in front of my eyes to fend off dryness. The reason I don't understand people rid...
Brad Pitcher is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 19, 2012
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