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US of A
Born In The Canyons Of The First Island In New York. Proud American!
Recent Activity
"Pammy G"!!! I love it! Great duo. Great topics. Great Podcast. Thanks!
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer on The Jamie Glazov Show
Robert Spencer and I were on The Jamie Glazov last night, late night. Missed it? No worries. Listen to the podcast. "In rare form," says Mr. Pinko. Indeed. Listen to internet radio with Radio Jihad Network on Blog Talk Radio
@ Crombouke,Very, very well written! May I share your words on facebook and in emails to my friends?
Pamela Geller "and those like her bring up uncomfortable truths and for that they will be forever hated"
How often am I compared to a character in Watership Down? Da incomparable Datechguy has done it in this insightful piece about the price of telling the truth: Fiver shrugs and the silence of the Warren Datechguy December 29th, 2011 Hazel: Is cowslip coming? Maybe he knows. Fiver: He wouldn’...
It matters because as they ruin one more country, the world is diminished by that much. islam enslaves these lands, ruins their economy, and thereby perpetuates their claims to victimhood. "Look,our once beautiful islands are now destitute and ugly. Must be the fault of the Jews!"
Where on earth have they migrated that they haven't ruined? Look at Scandinavia, England, France, all countries that welcomed muslims in. They refuse to assimilate, hate their host countries, and do everything they can to destroy what is good and free. Everywhere they go they turn dark, poor, and totalitarian.
No freedom to practice any other religion! That is the antipode of what the US is founded upon. The sooner their ideology is wiped from the human consciousness, the sooner we will have peace on earth.
Sheesh, if they could only limit themselves to being benign, not malignant parasites, it would be a world gain!
Sharia In Action: Maldives Closes Hundreds of Luxury Resort Spas As "Anti-Islamic"
"The Indian Ocean archipelago with 1,192 tiny coral islands is known for its exquisite resorts." Not for long. No soft skin for you, Infidel! This is Sharia: anti-Semitic (calling for an end to flights to Israel), and destructive of art and human creativity (vandalizing the Buddha statue). They ...
"He chose the Jew..." And the world still accepts Anti-Semitism - Jew Hatred - as a normal thing. I hear African-Americans, European-Americans, White-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and people all over the globe, in my travels, expressing hatred towards Jews. Many Christians are prime offenders.
I was raised in NYC as a Catholic and learned very early in life to never, ever tell any of my school friends that my mother was a Jew. As a child, being a kind of "undercover Jew" I heard the animosity first hand from the children AND the parents, and still do to this day.
Jesus, a nice Jewish boy who made good, said to love your enemies but to destroy all that is against good.
Until the hatred of Jews is eradicated in the hearts and minds of mankind there will never be peace on earth. Until islam recants mohammed's hatred and deletes the teachings of hate from its doctrine, there will never be tolerance.
"What is happening to Christians and Jews" is NOT surprising and, while I agree that evil will always oppose and attempt to destroy what is G-d's and G-dlike, it is everyone's duty to oppose and destroy evil and the works of evil wherever and whenever we find it. Keep the battle going.
Gaza Christians Long for Days Before Hamas Cancelled Christmas
This article in the hopelessly compromised Guardian tries to give the impression that Hamas is the only one making life difficult for "Palestinian" Christian Arabs -- as if the Palestinian Authority treats them just fine. That's actually not the case. I posted at Atlas just last week a piece abo...
I also agree with Pamela that as the left continues to reveal its true nature and intentions, it will ultimately lead to its own destruction. The focus always needs to be on eliminating those elements, internal and external, that work day and night to destroy the good, decent, and noble in the U.S. and Western society in general.
Hamas, Hizballah and Al-Qaeda flags at Obama-Endorsed #Occupy DC
I wrote in November here at Atlas that "despite the criminal media's attempt to glamorize this vile and destructive Occupy movement, it will inevitably usher in the death of the left's chokehold on the American culture. Since the late sixties America has been held hostage by these tyrants. They ...
I believe the Community Provocateur-in-Chief's plan is for these demonstrators to eventually provoke retaliation in 2012, so we will experience a long hot summer of violence and civil unrest. This should escalate as we near the elections, allowing Obama to somehow "save" the country, while maintaining a stranglehold on all that we value.
Fortunately, Americans are not that dumbed-down yet, and his plans to divide and conquer will go nowhere. We are simply too smart to allow such Stalinist planning to go that far. . . I hope!
Hamas, Hizballah and Al-Qaeda flags at Obama-Endorsed #Occupy DC
I wrote in November here at Atlas that "despite the criminal media's attempt to glamorize this vile and destructive Occupy movement, it will inevitably usher in the death of the left's chokehold on the American culture. Since the late sixties America has been held hostage by these tyrants. They ...
@ Nate, The problem isn't that we don't accept that others "have their own religion". The issue is that an ideology masked as a "religion" wants to supplant our ways and impose, by force, their ideology on the entire world. I would say that Pamela, as well as most of her readers, do NOT judge muslims by terrorists, but rather judge islam and its adherents by the koran. The koran is the guidebook. It tells its followers what to think, who to hate, and how to spread the ideology. Read it! The present leaders of islam today are not shy about their intentions. If the pope called for the destruction of non-christians, I'd be as against that ideology as I am of islam's.
@ Sposting: Pamela and Robert have not been part of "creating hatred." Mohammed did that, not "decades ago," but 1400 years ago, and the war against the West has never stopped. His "unbridled hatred" was foisted on the West and its values and continues to this day. Read the koran, know what your defending under the cloak of fairness and open-mindedness, and see what islam is really all about.
The West needs to wake up before it's too late!
Pamela Geller Responds to the Cast Members of "All American Muslim"
USA Today video: Cast members from "All-American Muslim" on the Lowe's controversy, and the mood in Dearborn, Mich. since the company pulled advertising from the show. Nader and Nawal Alsaeed, cast members of the reality TV show "All-American Muslim" on the backlash toward Lowe's...
These are non-explosive attempts to disrupt and keep the people afraid and terrorized. All ou need is to have people wondering if "this could be IT!" to keep them terrorized.
One of the sadder things about cancelling your booking at the Hyatt is that while they quote a need for increased security and concern for the safety of their guests, they never allude to from whom would they need to be secure! Who would be a threat to Hyatt's safety? Muzzies? Naahhhh. . . nothing to see here, nothing to be concerned about.
US Muslim on Southwest flight: “You’re all going to die,” “You’re all going to hell. Allahu Akbar"
Here is more on that story I posted yesterday on the Muslim who tried to bust into the cockpit of a Southwest flight:. Cue the CAIR caterwauls decrying "islamophobic" reactions and demanding prosecution of "islamophobes." But I get cancelled in Texas for discussing this very thing. That's how f...
They say he "forwarded a racially charged email" And that it was "unacceptable. . . to send such a racially charged email". What "race" exactly ARE muslims?
Enforcing Sharia in USA: ICE Enforcement Official Fired for Blasphemy Under Islamic Law
Our official government agencies are steppin' and fetchin' for subversive Muslim Brotherhood groups whose stated goal is "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Al...
I was shocked to learn this was a privately owned park! These people are lemmings, looters and moochers who want life to be handed to them. They have no message. They have no demands. They have no plans or proposals, for crying out loud. Such a purposeless, directionless group of malcontents wandering through life without gratitude is a sad thing to see. Worse are the clown actors, celebrities, and politicos who endorse this tom-foolery. It is truly a battle between the moral and the immoral. They are complete wastes of skin.
Doomberg caved, OWS stayed, Violence Breaks Out Anyway
The streets downtown were overrun this morning with protesters as police were unable to control the crowds (The NY Post) Mayor Bloomberg caved to the squatters and the rabble. Perhaps Obama whispered in his ear. The plan to hose down Zuccotti Park in the interest of public safety was shelved...
What a mindless tool! Show biz is becoming more and more infected with such idiocy.
Cultural jihad: B-Dash! Burka'ed Kim Kardashian
It's not important how many millions K-Dash was paid to go shop in Dubai. Who cares? What is important is that instead of being a role model and standing for free, empowered women, she donned the cloth coffin and went around looking like a a sack of potatoes. What an ass. Does this tool understa...
What can you expect from a feckless, biased, liberal, cowardly main stream media? I see so many areas of the world awakening to the actual threat that islam poses and it's rewarding to see it. . . the West is slowly opening its eyes. All one has to do is observe the world's hot-spots, see who and what are behind the various tumults - what common thread runs through the hatred, murder, terror and subjugation involved and the conclusion is inescapable. islam. Period.
As always, thank you for your courageous work!
MSNBC, Isikoff: "There's Been a Surge in Right Wing Attacks in the Last Couple of Years"
More media lies and fiction. Mike Isikoff claims "there's been a surge in right wing attacks in the past couple of years." Really? So now they just make the news up .... while ignoring and obfuscating daily acts of jihad. Amazing. Michael Isikoff: [Norway] is "reigniting a debate about whether ...
We love you no matter what! I always thought it was the plethora of banners and ads on the right that slowed it down. That being said, Atlas is worth waiting for!
Slow Loading Atlas
Lots of folks are complaining about loading problems with Atlas. It is very slow loading (more so than usual) or it freezes their machines, so I am going to change the format for the time being. All posts will have the first paragraph and then a link to continue the story. Let me know if that wo...
An absolutely perfect, spot-on article, Atlas! Kudos as always. The work of SIOA, (and SIO-worldwide,) the Tea Parties and other emerging groups are indicators that we are waking up. We must continue to spread the truth and bring everyone we know into awareness of the islamic threat to the west.
I know that if Western civilization fails to wake up to, and fight, what islam really is, we WILL be taken over and consumed by it. It's that simple.
Great, great article, Pamela!
Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Jihadi Echoes Obama
Check out my oped in today's American Thinker here. Jihadi Echoes Obama Pamela Geller, American Thinker If you close your eyes and listen to Zarein Ahmedzay, the jihadist convicted Friday for his role in unleashing a bomb in the New York City subway system on the anniversary of the 9/11 ...
It might be worth giving this a try. Propose a contract to run the same basic ad, but change it to:
"Fearful of a group? Religion or Cult pressuring you?
Leaving an intolerant philosophy? Got Questions? Get Answers!
Contact: (Example:) RefugefromIntolerance.Org"
This would further determine if Miami-Dade is only against anti-muslim messages or is also against ANYONE leaving ANY group, say like Scientology, or Heaven's Gate, etc.
Waddya think?
Pamela Geller, Human Events: Free Speech Denied In Miami
Don't miss my piece today in Human Events on the suppression of free speech in Miami: Free Speech Denied In Miami by Pamela Geller Bus ads pulled for being "offensive to Islam." In an outrageous denial of free speech rights, Miami-Dade Transit last week forced the removal of a “Leaving I...
Remember Pamela's post about the Dept. of Defense's Missile Defense logo?
Try this on again:
These things are not accidents.
Crescent Loon Watch
Check out this scan from page 9, NY Post, April 14. Good to see that big media (NY Post) is actually printing the obvious. Whether O is a crypto-Muslim is irrelevant. Because even if he were, what would he be doing differently? لا شيء NOW HE'S A CRESCENT LOON NY Post The first time I saw t...
Pamela, I'm sorry I missed your posts. I emailed you and will email you again right now.
SIOA Officers
While we are in the developmental stages of SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America), great Americans are stepping up to the plate. If you're not a member, join here at Facebook. We're happy to announce these SIOA state officers: David Engel SIOA-Wisconsin Eric Janzer SIOA-Pennsylvania You wan...
@sheik yer'mami: The fact that after living in Australia for 5 years she "spoke little English" and needed an interpreter, tells even more of her subjugation by this 'husband.'
Keep 'em uneducated, ignorant of rights, pregnant and subordinate! Thanks to the "religion of love and peace."
Muslim Jailed for Strangling "Too Australian" Wife with Her Own Veil
Is prosecuting this devout Muslim a violation of his religious beliefs? Is prosecuting this honor killer an offense to Islam? Is this prosecution an insult to Islam, lacking in mutual respect? The fact is, if you continue along the line of Obama's policies and capitulation to sharia and Islam, t...
While fooling around with my high school daughter in a Barnes and Noble yesterday, I teased her by grabbing "What Your Fourth Grader Needs to Know" and challenging her to see how much she could recall from 4th Grade.
I opened it to page after page of muslim relativism and praise. There were references to "In some ways, the Crusades and jihads were much alike." and a "hero in the Middle East, famed for defeating European Christians and restoring Jerusalem to Islam." (Italics mine)
Absolutely shocking, and more evidence that the lies must be stopped.
Count me in.
SIOA Officers
While we are in the developmental stages of SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America), great Americans are stepping up to the plate. If you're not a member, join here at Facebook. We're happy to announce these SIOA state officers: David Engel SIOA-Wisconsin Eric Janzer SIOA-Pennsylvania You wan...
Dear Pamela, The link "contact us" takes us to the Birmingham Eye Care site. You might want to adjust that.
I'm happy to be California's officer if it's still available!
SIOA Officers
While we are in the developmental stages of SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America), great Americans are stepping up to the plate. If you're not a member, join here at Facebook. We're happy to announce these SIOA state officers: David Engel SIOA-Wisconsin Eric Janzer SIOA-Pennsylvania You wan...
What I found particularly funny is that when Cleaver comes back with a police/security person, Cleaver can't point the guy out even though he's right in front of him!!! What did he bring the uniform for? To show him the stair where it happened?
How about "Leave it to Cleaver!"
In this episode the Cleave is accidentally spit upon by Lumpy who disappears from Cleave's view through the the magic of his Whiteness. Eddie Haskell, the cop, also can't see invisible Lumpy. Later in bed, Wally, (Rahm Emanuel,) says to the Cleave: "Gee, ya' little goof, what did you go and do that for?"
Cleave replies: "I, I don't know Wally. Maybe I just kinda imagined it."
I called it over the weekend -- in my piece at Big Journalism and here at Atlas. Tens of thousands took to the great lawn, after a year of similar peaceful actions, to right a government gone off the rails. The peaceful, patriotic millions who marched over the course of the year were virtually i...
@Carolyn Martin. Unfortunately, the payment went to Christian Action Network. I'm still trying to get my refund.
A GREAT way for all of us to help support these causes is to DONATE to FDI and SUBSCRIBE to ATLAS!
You'll never miss the money!
LA Premiere Cancellation
Contrary to the false and misleading posting on the CAN Islam Rising film site, let me be clear. Our cancellation had nothing to do with the "Christian Action Network's biblical view on homosexuality," but with the abusive, ugly rhetoric found in various pieces of CAN literature. Atlas reade...
Sheeesh! I'm disappointed this isn't taking place, but I can understand the rationale. So does anyone know how we will get our refunds for the tickets purchased?
LA Premiere Cancellation
Contrary to the false and misleading posting on the CAN Islam Rising film site, let me be clear. Our cancellation had nothing to do with the "Christian Action Network's biblical view on homosexuality," but with the abusive, ugly rhetoric found in various pieces of CAN literature. Atlas reade...
The end of the film clip says it all: "Obliteration Is The Only Answer".
Obliterate islam and know peace.
I'm down with that.
Where has islam brought peace? Where has islam stood for liberty? Where does all the trouble we see in the world originate from? islam!
Look at the world's hot-spots!
islam. . . the curse of our planet.
GRAPHIC VIDEO: Islamic Jihad Worldwide
Obama's Muslim entrepreneurs. The thing is this is happening everyday everywhere -- it's not "isolated" or "al qaeda" aka Islamic centcom -- it is exactly what it says it is. **GRAPHIC** Jihad and terrorist attacks in: Dagestan, Russia Beslan, Russia Bangladesh Somalia China Border of...
Your problem, 1bodyguard, is you think with your feelings, and not your logic. If you used reasoning you'd probably have a different viewpoint. WHAT did he 'inherit' from Bush? Hatred of America? Sorry, but muslims have hated us, and the rest of the world since their beginning. Debt? Sorry, but Congress spends the money, not the president, although Bush DID go along with far too much compromise in order to reach across the aisle. But remember, Obama voted for Bush's stimulus package when he was a Senator. He not only CHOSE the debt we had under Bush but doubled it in his first few days in office. . . now he wants to triple it!
Honest? Virtually everything he says is a lie. Look at the joke of his Obamacare. He said this was for the millions who do NOT have medical coverage: the poor. The poor have medicaid and ERs. They are never turned away. The other day he said it was to relieve costs of care for the middle class. Which one is it? Both? Can't be, my friend, cause numbers don't lie.
As for 'hard-working', this SOB has taken more vacations and parties than any other president in our history. All he ever talks about is how he needs to "get away" from Washington and the job he wanted so dearly.
He hasn't 'reached across countries', he's failed at every attempt to score, from his bid to have the Olympics in Chicago to his beloved Indonesia. He has rejected Israel, and spent most of his foreign time kissing islam's ass and embarrassing us as he did in Japan. And 'reaching' isn't an accomplishment. Leading is!
The country he grew up in hates him and throws shoes at him. What does that tell you? For all his pandering to islam he STILL is reviled.
This president has created more problems for us and has done absolutely nothing to 'fix' anything. What has he fixed? He's broken every word of his from Gitmo to Gays in the Military. He has weakened our Homeland Security and appointed the worst kind of low-lifes to high office: from that child molesting czar to his tax-dodging appointees. And we are now in such deep, deep, debt that your great grandchildren will still be paying it off. How did Bush do that? Sorry, your Obama did that.
The only thing I'll help this clown do, is resign or get impeached. We KNOW what he's trying to do, and that is destroy America as she is, and remake her in some global, socialist, islamic republic.
I stated all of the above without calling you ONE SINGLE NAME! Your kind can only resort to your age-old foolishness of calling us patriots stupid. Your kind can never win in the arena of facts, but must always rely on emotions and name-calling in place of logic and reason.
To YOU and your kind: YOU stand down! Your days are numbered.
Throwing Shoes at Obama in Indonesia, the Country of his Childhood
He just doesn't get it -- he represents America, and whether he likes it or not, he cannot shed that. And we will not change and remake ourselves so that Obama is more attractive to the forces of evil in this world. This is our ahem ...........struggle. Indonesian students throws their sh...
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