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Dale Rose Stream
Recent Activity
Dale Rose Stream is now following Louise Williams
Feb 4, 2014
Ami, I've been here before! Last August or so, while listening to an interview with you on another blog, I hopped right onto the web & found your page! I recognized several posts from August 2011 and realized it! During the interview that I was listening to, you mentioned that you do a lot of art, including with others who are afflicted with pain conditions. Dejavu! We must be meant to connect! I apologize for this afternoon's delay, as I finally was able to post the layout pics but didn't dare continue typing, in fear of losing it all again, so I posted & took my lovely Dakota for our evening walk. Our walks give us a break from the following: the cooped-up-edness (haha) after spending most of our days at home lately, due to the heat and humidity; a break from 8 year old Wesley (when Dad is home & I manage to get out the door without him); 'the information highway', tv, etc. I have been downloading paperclipping round table & layout a day podcasts.....this gives me something to listen to that distracts me from the fact that we are 'exercising', as well as entices me to CONTINUE that exercise....walk another lap... yet I can enjoy all our wonderful natural blessings which surround us. IN FACT, 2 days ago, a BOBCAT was staring at us as we interrupted its trot across our road, about 100 feet from our driveway. Last night, before our walk, a WOODCHUCK WAS POUNDING ON & TRYING TO WALK THROUGH OUR SLIDER GOING OUT TO OUR DECK BEHIND THE HOUSE! I need to post those pics! 2 of our cats were outside so I brought them indoors and then proceeded to gently encourage him out of the corner of the deck, so he could find his way off our deck and back into the woods...that was hysterical! Poor little guy! I will let you go.....GREAT to hear from you, and please follow me or check in every now and then! Good evening from NW Michigan.
Toggle Commented Jul 24, 2012 on Ian's Graduation at ami's place blog
Dale Rose Stream is now following Beth Madland
Aug 17, 2011
Dale Rose Stream is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 17, 2011