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Geek Philosopher after the order of Anaxamander
Interests: Science, Engineering, History, Philosophy, Entertainment that makes me think
Recent Activity
So what was Diocletian's big misstep? Why did The Tetrarchy fall apart? Did he write laws to bind the Tetrarchs in matters of succession or did he just expect them all to play nice once he was gone?
P.S. Mike thanks for all you do. I found Your podcast in January and just caught up. What a ride!
131- The New Game in Town
With the Tetrarchy in shambles, Diocletian will be called out of retirement in 308 AD to help broker a settlement. But the new new order will prove as bad as the old new order. 131- The New Game in Town Note: For some reason Libsyn is telling me that the link won't go live for another couple of ...
Aeneas is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 4, 2011
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