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Dan and Ingrid OLSON
Recent Activity
Dan and Ingrid OLSON is now following Denise Livingston
Jun 22, 2011
Neat post! Those pictures are precious!
I will live and survive By Irina Ratushinskaya I will live and survive and be asked: How they slammed my head against a trestle, How I had to freeze at nights, How my hair started to turn grey... But I'll smile. And will crack some joke And brush away the encroaching shadow. An...
Glad you could go to the funeral. I am sure Beth felt comforted by your presence.
even in the dark
Love is what carries you, for it is always there, even in the dark, or most in the dark, but shining out at times like gold stitches in a piece of embroidery. - Wendell Berry (Hannah Coulter) My house is trashed, but our bags are finally (nearly) packed - two skirts for the conference, a ...
Medical/Dental bills often overwhelm me. My niece recently needed her 4 wisdom teeth extracted. It cost $2,500. Yes, that was two thousand five hundred dollars!! My sister-in-law almost passed out!
I've been hit by a train
One of the trains that run though Chesterton every ten minutes. They used to keep us up a night, but now we like to hear the roar of them barreling down the tracks. It sounds like home to me. That's what it felt like anyway when I went to pay the bill for my kids' dentist appointments, afte...
Dan and Ingrid OLSON is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 29, 2010
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