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dan burgess
Bath & London
Creative activist, trying to live a hybrid life, hi-nature//hi-tech
Interests: hanging with my family, cooking, baking bread, cycling, electronic music, surfing, dabbling with vegetable growing, barefoot running, wildness, social business,
Recent Activity
dan burgess is now following Lucy Cooke
Jan 24, 2012
dan burgess is now following david hieatt
Jan 14, 2012
hey Caelan! where abouts are you in CR? Good luck with number 3!
Thanks Simon, Ben, Dan, Jonathan - very kind words - chuffed you all found it interesting.
Just under 3 months ago, I returned to the UK from Costa Rica with my family to avoid the worst part of the rainy season, finish my Masters program, and recce the South west to nail our relocation next spring.... Continue reading
we've packed up our house, freecycled a load of our 'stuff' and gone to live in a treehouse on the pacific coast of Costa Rica for a while. This blog will be even quieter. I'm posting reflections and stuff over... Continue reading
My Pummelvision from dan burgess on Vimeo. Continue reading
so i definately have a tache. I've stuck with it. my kids are playing with it. And I find bits of breakfast in there around mid morning. Blowing your nose is also quite dangerous, from a cling on perspective. But... Continue reading
snap crackle pop from dan burgess on Vimeo. the smallest most unexpectedest firework in the box Continue reading
one week of growth. feeling a bit teenager meets weird bloke. odd. definately quite conscious of it. donations here please Continue reading
awesome idea and fairplay to you for making it happen.
Toggle Commented Nov 2, 2010 on Using less to do more at welcome to optimism
This is what Global Warming looks like from NRDC Broadcast Videos on Vimeo. Continue reading
this is willow. she was born in the front room. we are all super happy. Continue reading
i like the idea of 'facebook living in a big box full of computers' via greenpeace. Continue reading
Just found this poem i wrote earlier this year, sitting here by the river dart during my stay at schumacher college. it was nice to write it. Here everyone has a voice, No one sings too loud. A breeze comes,... Continue reading
Thanks Neil. I will for sure be capturing and looking around as much as possible. Tom, I'm de-cluttering. ;-)
thanking you all kindly. just need to give birth first. (well the mrs does)
So there it is. Almost 4 years in 4 boxes Waiting for the lift out. It's been interesting times. Good times. When I started at Naked, Findley was a 1 year old. I leave with a daughter Olive and number... Continue reading
more inspiration from ken the legend Continue reading
Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo. Continue reading
awesome makers and purveyors of chocolate. business with purpose, soul and spirit. via do lectures Continue reading
Back from an unbelievable week at Schumacher college in south devon. It was a week of immersion into Gaia theory and natural systems. It was a privilege to have been in the company of the awesome and inspirational Stephan Harding.... Continue reading
Iʼve been thinking a lot recently about what I can only describe as increasing signs of ʻobesityʼ in brands. This tweet from Marc the other night prompted me to try and write something down. What I mean by ʻbrand obesityʼ... Continue reading
short films shot on phones and flips, i really enjoyed making these, planning to get back into doing this much more often. a sunny weekend was an experiment with a new iphone. i wanted to capture what i love dearly,... Continue reading