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Danielle Brigida
I love two things, wildlife and technology. I'm having fun learning so much about both!
Interests: literature, scrabble, science, environment, coffee, research, social media, wildlife, laughter and more!
Recent Activity
Thanks for posting this Beth! Kristin J. passed it around to our team :)
A Social Media Strategy for Scientific Research or Policy Impact
I encounter a lot of social media skeptics who ask me pointed questions. I can answer most, but sometimes I get hit with a question that I can't answer (adequately) on the spot. I love those questions - they are a real gift. Recently, I've been getting a question like that goes somethin...
Fantastic post Beth. As always :)
The Art of Aligning Social Media Strategy With Communications Strategy
Remixing Social Media Strategy Game View more presentations from kanter. Over the summer, Holly Minch, who is an expert at helping nonprofits and philanthropies unlock the potential of strategic communications for social change, suggested that I facilitate a workshop on social media strate...
Danielle Brigida is now following NWF
Aug 31, 2009
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