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Danny Horne
Recent Activity
I am in total agreement with those that I agree with. It is apparant that something is apparantly wrong, or maybe it is just not right. However, in the event everything is alright then it seems that something must be wrong or at least not exactly right. I believe it would be better if everything could be in a state of all being right. Obama said that the oil spill hole needs to be plugged, I feel that is a wise bit of advice. However, I think there were a few people that already felt that way, or maybe they didn't, who ever knows which is right or wrong.Oh well thats life. So heres hoping Zynga can get everything working so that all the loyal fans can enjoy playing the game that all seem to enjoy. Thanks Zynga for your best efforts and Good Luck,,,,!!!!!!!!
Withering has been disabled!
We have temporarily disabled withering until the technical issues we are currently experiencing are resolved. In addition, we have disabled the ability for puppies to run away, so none of you should lose your puppies due to this downtime. Thank you for your patience and understanding with us...
Danny Horne is now following The Typepad Team
May 29, 2010
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