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Okay thank you. Please do keep us posted on Bruno and how he is doing. Whereabouts in Spain is he being treated?
Bruno - picked up off the street, old, ill, dying
We at Galgos 112 introduce you to Bruno, picked up in coria del Rio, at this moment is admitted with fluid therapy as he is very dehydrated. The analysis has shown that he has lehismania, Scabies, huge anemia, and a uveitis in the eyes. A thousand thanks to the girls who picked him up and took h...
Sending best wishes and a small donation from London - does Bruno have a home to go to? Do you know what his prognosis is, or is it too early to say?
Bruno - picked up off the street, old, ill, dying
We at Galgos 112 introduce you to Bruno, picked up in coria del Rio, at this moment is admitted with fluid therapy as he is very dehydrated. The analysis has shown that he has lehismania, Scabies, huge anemia, and a uveitis in the eyes. A thousand thanks to the girls who picked him up and took h...
Dariopol is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 30, 2017
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