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Darla Gabaldon
Recent Activity
i have tried for around 6 months to enter the farmville 2 game ...i have not been able to get into it i have changed computers i have downloaded flash i have made the changes to facebook nothing works i have went to again nothing ....i had heard that this game would end and i was wondering is that true and that is why i can no longer play this game....ZYNGA PLEASE INFORM ME
Toggle Commented Jul 24, 2017 on Browser Support - Chrome at FarmVille 2
i am disappointed in this Christmas tree decoration as it is way way too difficult that i dont even try i wish you had left it as it use to be which way much easier and more fun than this game of having to have to harvest over 300 blueberries etc which is stupid and outrageous it says you had two options to play well i dont recall mine saying that and if mine is on easy i hate to see what difficult was extremely disappointed in this game again zynga you REALLY need to get your act together as you are loosing players not that it matters to you
why are we doing four quest at a time this is so so stupid
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2016 on The Yakky Races! at FarmVille 2
why do you have the rooster quest when you do the quest it does not count towards the feed another zynga screw up
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2016 on The Yakky Races! at FarmVille 2
thank you Zynga for screwing up my game the above states you have to make 10 feeds and mine says 50 why do you hate your from the beginning players i refuse to lay the yak races do to the way you ZYNGA are treating your from the beginning players
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2016 on The Yakky Races! at FarmVille 2
this is sad i can not afford 90 dollars to get the rooster yet everybody else gets it for 5 dollars what a rip off thank you zynga for attempting to rip me off again plus being so unfair to your players
Toggle Commented Jun 9, 2016 on Get the Amazing Rooster! at FarmVille 2
i am really disappointed in the game i bought 4 land expansions only got two tickets wish i had never got them zynga this is a rip off YOU LIED when i ask support about it they said it a risk you dont get the tickets SO WHY LIE ABOUT IT ZYNGA JUST SAY WE PLAN ON NOT GIVING YOU CRAP i am so tired of being ripped off with this game
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2016 on Spice up your farm with Thyme! at FarmVille 2
by the way i appreciate the animal but whoever designed this task was a bully could not believe you support making fun of children
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2016 on Prepare your Pranks! at FarmVille 2
i am really disappointed in the game i bought 4 land expansions only got two tickets wish i had never got them zynga this is a rip off YOU LIED when i ask support about it they said it a risk you dont get the tickets SO WHY LIE ABOUT IT ZYNGA JUST SAY WE PLAN ON NOT GIVING YOU CRAP i am so tired of being ripped off with this game
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2016 on Prepare your Pranks! at FarmVille 2
i am really disappointed in the game i bought 4 land expansions only got two tickets wish i had never got them zynga this is a rip off YOU LIED when i ask support about it they said it a risk you dont get the tickets SO WHY LIE ABOUT IT ZYNGA JUST SAY WE PLAN ON NOT GIVING YOU CRAP i am so tired of being ripped off with this game
i am really disappointed in the game i bought 4 land expansions only got two tickets wish i had never got them zynga this is a rip off YOU LIED when i ask support about it they said it a risk you dont get the tickets SO WHY LIE ABOUT IT ZYNGA JUST SAY WE PLAN ON NOT GIVING YOU CRAP i am so tired of being ripped off with this game
i am really disappointed in the game i bought 4 land expansions only got two tickets wish i had never got them zynga this is a rip off YOU LIED when i ask support about it they said it a risk you dont get the tickets SO WHY LIE ABOUT IT ZYNGA JUST SAY WE PLAN ON NOT GIVING YOU CRAP i am so tired of being ripped off with this game
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2016 on Get healthy with some Red Orach! at FarmVille 2
has any body got the buy a baby bottle crate got mine i had to laugh for 200 usa dollars they will give me one bottle a day for 400 days zynga are you for real 1st of all 200 usa dillars would buy double if not triple,,,do you really think im stupid
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2016 on Knitting Machine Guide! at FarmVille 2
another rip off by zynga according to the above article you have to have 247 love posters to get the rabbit not me over 1600 to get rabbit i hate playing these games i already got rid of the monthly membership now just a matter of time I try over and over again for zynga to straighten up and make this game FAIR TO EVERYBODY but oh no they have to continue ripping people off in hopes of them paying money NO MORE MONEY FROM ME ZYNGA SORRY MAYBE WHENEVER YOU DECIDE TO MAKE THIS GAME FAIR I WILL BUT NOT TILL THEN
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2016 on Romantic Gazebo! at FarmVille 2
i feel you ...zynga dont want us to win a free animal although my spouse game is 300 buttons and daughter game is 125 buttons that is why i complain as the game is not fair
Toggle Commented Dec 26, 2015 on Santa's Snowman Workshop! at FarmVille 2
I am sorry Zephyrius but i have been complaining about these issues ever since i decided to do the 19.99 monthly club... and many times throughout the past two and half years ...Zynga has no problem screwing us over i have showed proof to customer support and i am told oh well it just happened to be you nothing they can do or zynga is experiencing new game tactics well i dont want my game being the dummy ..THIS IS A SHAME ON ZYNGA...the people who joined the monthly club or those who periodically spend actual money ALWAYS GETS SCREWED because they want us to spend more money i have quit this game before for a couple of weeks then it will re set the game but as soon as i buy ANYTHING my game is messed up ...ZYNGA KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS....If they did this entire game would be the same for each player..also they keep changing my xp points to where it takes a month to level up ANOTHER SCREW UP....i am tired of being treated like crap by zynga....i just want a fair game and it will not happen since they got rid of the first ceo after that the game has been screwed up and so i can blame zynga the company for that cause they DO NOT CARE ALL THEY LOOK AT IS THE MIGHTY BUCK...and by the way their is absolutely nothing on customer service site that has addressed this issue that i am bring about or at least it is not under current issues
Toggle Commented Dec 26, 2015 on Santa's Snowman Workshop! at FarmVille 2
i am so sick of ZYNGA SCREWING ME OVER as the above shows 548 points ro get the donkey well not my game over 1600 points also the new year where you can get the cow and horse if you plant veggies AGAIN A RIP OFF my game over 130,000 points NO WAY A PERSON CAN GET THAT MANY POINTS IN 10 DAYS this is the third year zynga has screwed with my game i am sick of this crap zynga quit using and abusing your fans at this point i hate you and just do not want to play your games more nor give you money THANKS FOR NOT SUPPORTING YOUR FANS I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A VERY SUCK WOD CHRISTMAS I AM PISSED AT YOU ALL FOR SCREWING WITH MY GAME
Toggle Commented Dec 24, 2015 on Santa's Snowman Workshop! at FarmVille 2
yes to your question your lucky you got it for 7 dollars
Toggle Commented Dec 1, 2015 on Cow Breeding! at FarmVille 2
a total repeat with one exception and this is it i have to super feed an otter 43 times to get to win one race what a disgrace
Toggle Commented Nov 25, 2015 on Otter Derby! at FarmVille 2
why do you experiment on vip players game i still havent got this animal my amount needed is over 1600 ZYNGA QUIT SCREWING WITH MY GAME AS PER CUSTOMER SERVICE YOU HAVE EXPERIMENT WITH MY GAME I DO NOT LIKE THIS you make it impossible for me to win
Toggle Commented Nov 25, 2015 on Little Log Workshop! at FarmVille 2
i think this is a rip off because i would have purchased this with one exception it would cost me 80 dollars my spouse and child got it for 7 dollars that was at a 76% discount mine was a 60% discount when you do the math mine should have cost 2.19 more this is so sad that Zynga punish those of us who actually spend money on the game as well as the VIP members ..To Zynga you are a disgrace to those of us who enjoy this game so much that we are willing to spend money but when we do this is the way you reward us... I would have giving 10 even 25 dollars for this promotion even though my family members got it for 7 dollars but to charge 80 that is sad NOT EVEN YOUR WEB SHOWS ABOVE 70 DOLLARS so again you discriminate against those of us who stand behind this game
Toggle Commented Nov 25, 2015 on Cow Breeding! at FarmVille 2
why are we in leagues with people who we are not friends with has anyone else noticed theis the first week we were with our friends now that they fix the game no it is messed you
Toggle Commented May 24, 2015 on The State Fair at FarmVille 2
i like the idea that we can buy more land now so here is my question and hopes for change from the programmers I think everybody should be able to buy new land regardless of the level we are on as long as we have the coins and the means to make all that we need to buy the land please consider this as people who are on a higher level we have so many coins that we loose them as we are max out. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider this
oh yes forgot PLEASE allow us to buy animals and put them in storage for later use we use to have this option but not anymore you know the good options you seem to take away and leave us with crappy options
i know zynga does not like this site as we all complain 1st) i wish you would not change the value coins amount on level up our stuff example barn i worked my butt off to level up my barn and/or the barn that stores animals first of all the red barn you all up it by over 1000 value coins and the storage barn over 100..i really wish you would stop this..i read a post that zynga put out that stated you can get over 350 value coins a week i have of yet to reach that i get maybe 45 a week as what you ask us to make i either do not have that crop or i am so busy doing other crops for other things an example that dog that i wish we had a choice...Please Zynga quit making the game impossible by making us use the value coins for EVERYTHING i would rather spend my coins 2nd) why can you not send out a massive email asking the people if they want such changes 3rd) why do you ALWAYS have things for different prices example the dog when most people could get it for $8 you all wanted me to buy it for $175 there was NO WAY i would spend such money for a dog maybe for $8 but never the $175 4th) why cant we have choices with the game example why does every person have to have a dog not all of us wanted that same goes with adding another kid when we have to use the picnic table to feed them do you realize that the cost of what we have to use in food is so great example when we get 10 picnic feeds that actually cost us approximately 30,000 coins why not just let us use coins instead of making all the food 5th) we REALLY NEED A STORAGE FOR DEERS> PHEASNANTS< TURKEY BUFFALO ect why not do an exotic building like we have the cow shed that way we can get the stuff we need for crafts 6th) BE FAIR do not charge outrages amount for things as mentioned above about the dog issue to those of us who spend money at times on this game it is really UNFAIR TO YOUR LOYAL PLAYERS 7th) gives us a way to delete all non players from our z friends have a good day even though i know you dont give a crap what i just said