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Dave Cohen
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Interests: evolution, energy, the economy, climate, astrobiology, music, paleontology, culture
Recent Activity
Defending Reality
I just watched another incoherent Tim Pool video on medical matters regarding various treatments and prophylactics for SARS-CoV-2. It is time somebody defended reality because humans are now in 2021 utterly confused about what it is or might be. To my knowledge, no one has mounted this kind of defense. What do I mean by 'incoherent' regarding Tim Pool's medical views? To be fair, much of what Tim said is true as far as I can see, and I support Tim financially because he really does care about reality, but here's an important example of his incoherence. Tim says ad... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2021 at Decline of the Empire
Fascism And The Uniparty
The fascists have taken over Australia and New Zealand. Canada will be next (Kate Wand, and watch here). France is already lost. A solid majority in the UK voted for the Conservatives against the fascist Labor Party, but despite voters' wishes, got "build back better" COVID lockdown enthusiast Boris Johnson anyway. We might call Boris a "fascist lite" politician. And now, fascism has come to New York City. San Francisco, New Orleans and Los Angeles will be next. There appears to be a corrupt "uniparty" in the UK, just as there is here in the United States. The term refers... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2021 at Decline of the Empire
Apocalypse Now and Apocalypse Not
OK, just because I'm in a rare mood, I am going to explain some aspects of Reality to you. Not that it does humans any good to do so, a lesson life has hammered home to me over and over again. Which is why I don't write anymore. You will have looked at the title. What does it refer to? Well, we have an Apocalypse Now, which is the authoritarian (fascist, totalitarian) threat on our doorstep. And we have an Apocalypse Not, which is the current threat of SARS-CoV-2 and the recently arrived "Delta" variant. Are these Apocalypses Now and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2021 at Decline of the Empire
Fascism Marches On — Episode 1
We introduce a new series today called Fascism Marches On. Perhaps you've seen the many references on Twitter and other corrupt media to the new "war on domestic terror." In short, the State, now controlled by fascists, will wage war on all of its perceived political enemies using "deep state" institutions as they see fit. Political dissent will thus be crushed as a new Golden Age is ushered in. Regarding this new development, which is so much in the spirit of Orwell's 1984, we have the first episode of our new series. It comes to us from Tim Pool and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2021 at Decline of the Empire
There Is No Middle
A short while ago I got annoyed watching Brett and Heather Weinstein talking about "the purge of social media, free speech and Big Tech collusion" (1st video below). If you don't know who they are, use a search engine. You know how to do that, right? These almost-useless pedants kept referring to the "red" team—called conservatives—and the "blue" team—called ?????. They were talking about how the ????? is purging conservatives from social media. We know that these social media monopolists have done everything in their considerable power to put the ????? into office. We know that these some of these... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2021 at Decline of the Empire
The Elites And The Sheeple
One belief, more than any other, is responsible for the slaughter of individuals on the altars of the great historical ideals — justice or progress or the happiness of future generations, or the sacred mission of emancipation of a nation or race or class, or even liberty itself, which demands the sacrifice of individuals for the freedom of society. This is the belief that somewhere, in the past or in the future, in divine revelation or in the mind of an individual thinker, in the pronouncements of history or science, or in the simple heart of an uncorrupted good man,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2021 at Decline of the Empire
For Your Own Good
Some of the dumbest, least aware motherfuckers on this planet have taken it upon themselves to tell you what information you can or can not see. This evil has been going on for some time now. No one seems to be willing to do anything about it. In their infinite fucking wisdom, the flatworms at YouTube have "decided" that the Triggernometry interview with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Emeritus Head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany, is not suitable viewing. The Bhakdi video below tells you why the mindless COVID-19 "case-demic" hysteria which rules... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
America Is Finished, There Is No Way Out
I decided after the fact to put this e-mail I just sent on the blog. The e-mail is to a correspondent in Australia. He shall remain anonymous — Dave To _______ You would simply not believe what is going on here in the U.S. The obvious voter fraud and statistically near-impossible vote count patterns in the swing states has put everything up for grabs. It's not clear what the outcome will be, but no outcome will be good. America, the powerful colossus which has held sway on Earth since World War II, is now a third-world country. This is what... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
The Whole World Is Watching
Perhaps you've noticed that Western Civilization is collapsing. For example, in Paris you need papers just to leave your house because of another useless covid-19 lockdown. I could provide countless examples just like this one at this point. Covid-19 is only a rationalization which hides other, deeper authoritarian impulses. It's a ruse. Humans, especially those with political power, don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it. "Power corrupts" said a wise man. You would think humans would figure this out after 5,000 years of experience. But they can't, they don't. Sigh. Or perhaps I assume way too much.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Glenn Greenwald Censored At The Intercept, Resigns
Long-time progressive journalist Glenn Greenwald has resigned from The Intercept, an organization he co-founded. Glenn resigned because the Intercept editors did not want him to publish a story on the corrupt dealings of Hunter Biden and his father Joe, who may be the next president of the United States. (Though not for long, because the plan is to push Joe out due to his obvious dementia and install Kamala Harris, who has been Hillary's choice all along). Tim wants people to share his video discussing Greenwald's resignation, so here you go (video below). Heaven help us if Joe Biden is... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Tim Pool Gets It Now
Well, it took a long time, but Tim Pool has finally come round to my position—we are dealing with fascists. These ruthless authoritarians (my definition) control most of our major institutions (the Democrats, the big globalist corporations, the big social media companies ("Silicon Valley"), the corporate-owned TV/print media, Wall Street, the prestigious universities, Hollywood, the security ("deep") state bureaucrats). This is alarming to say the least. People are generally confused about what fascism means because of 70 years of biased academic social studies. These studies originated in the Frankfurt school (Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and rest). In the post-war period... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Remember This Date — October 14, 2020
Today Twitter and Facebook would not allow anyone on their platforms to link to the New York Post story which seems to show that Joe Biden lied about his and his son's corrupt connections to the criminally-run Ukrainian gas company Burisma. The story was published yesterday on October 14, 2020. Remember this date. Let's sum up the meaning of this— Facebook and Twitter are interfering in the U.S. election to support the Democrats and making no bones about it — they are daring us to stop them. Facebook and Twitter have declared that truth is whatever they say it is.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Here Are Your Choices
I have tried to think about what I should write as I witness the terrible events of 2020, America's great crisis. Fuck it. Here is what's important now. There's a presidential election on November 3, 2020. On the one hand, you've got a totally unhinged, fraudulent, and now purely evil political party who call themselves Democrats. They are running a Manchurian candidate named Joe Biden, an old man who has serious and worsening dementia, a man who is utterly corrupt, and a sicko who can't keep himself from shamelessly touching any woman within his pathetic grasp. Still, this hardly matters... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Because They Don't Care
NYC mayor Bill DeBlasio's official Black Lives Matter mural, which he recently helped paint in front of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, was "vandalized" again on Saturday. It was "vandalized" according to news reports because it's OK to paint the street when that lying motherfucker DeBlasio the dictator of New York City says it is, but it's not OK to do it when it's not politically sanctioned by the tyrant. Two women "defaced" the mural because these phony BLM assholes and the politicians who protect them are "liars!" because in reality "they don't care" about black people! because all of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Understanding The Class War Against You
"You can observe a lot by just watching." — Yogi Berra In his video BLM Supporter Shoots Woman For Saying 'All Lives Matter' And News Tries To Cover It Up, Tim Pool exclaims "I don't know why the media wouldn't tell us the truth about the shooting" (5:50 mark, watch the video up until then). I am going to answer Tim's anguished question in this post—why didn't the corporate-owned media report on this murder? The answer has profound consequences because if the corporate media silence (cover-up) is successful in this and so many other cases, millions of propagandized, ignorant Americans... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Should A Liberal Society Tolerate Intolerance?
I've already told you we have a fascist infestation in the United States. People in the U.S. are likely unaware that this authoritarian resurgence is more advanced in the United Kingdom. As I listened to the UK channel spiked podcast today, called it's time to cancel cancel culture, I was reminded of Karl Popper's argument regarding the degree to which liberal (i.e., tolerant) societies should tolerate intolerance. I will quote Popper, and then give you my answer to this urgent question. You're almost certainly not going to like the answer. Here's the famous quote from Popper— Popper was a non-religious... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Same As It Ever Was
The crazies have been tearing down statues lately. They started with slaveholders, moved on to presidents, and now they're tearing down abolitionists who fought and sometimes died fighting slavery. Their next targets are Lincoln (freed the slaves) and Jesus (too white). All of this is being done in name of virtue and assumed moral superiority. Throughout human history, political evil always presents itself as virtuous and morally superior. If humans who are currently not so crazy could even understand this one simple thing, all would be made clear to them. These people, the ones who are willing to live and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Listen To This
The fascists are still doing the things that fascists do. They will never stop until "normal" people stand up to them. These neo-fascists are like The Terminator. Listen. Understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained doesn't feel pity of remorse or fear...and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead. Tim knows this, but he doesn't think regular Americans will stand up to them (and neither do I). Because modern humans generally and Americans in particular are very well domesticated. Thus they are spineless, are abject cowards. Modern humans... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Moral Hypocrisy And The Political Crisis
Most of the people I watch on YouTube spend a lot of time calling out moral hypocrisy in those they are criticizing. Let's first try to define moral hypocrisy and then talk about how it relates to the current, urgent political crisis in the United States (here and here). Moral Hypocrisy — saying or doing something in one context and then saying or doing something else in another context which contradicts what was said or done in the first; in both contexts the thing said or done expresses a moral preference, but the two preferences expressed are incompatible. I trust... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
In 2006, When Mike Judge Made Idiocracy...
... a film in which 500 hundred years in the future America is run by low-grade morons, he got the timing all wrong. In reality, in 2006 that future was only 14 years away. Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
We're In Serious Trouble
Here's a follow-up to A Clear And Present Danger (June 10, 2020). In that post I included a Tucker Carlson video. Carlson, along with Tim Pool, are two mainstays opposing the fascist threat in the United States. Tim Pool has a report today talking about the escalating attempts to destroy Tucker Carlson (video below). This is a beautiful example of just the kind of threat I was talking about in yesterday's post. Disney, T-Mobile and others are pulling their advertising support for Tucker's nightly show, which is the most viewed show on TV cable news. As Tim notes, this is... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
A Clear And Present Danger
Think of this post as me doing you Americans a favor. You're welcome. I don't know what you think you know or what you do not know, but I am confident that the vast, vast majority of you don't know much. Now, I could provide reams of observation and analysis to back up everything I'm about to say, but there's no time or need for that. So let's cut to the chase. When I tell you things below, just take my word for it. I'll keep this short. There is a fascist infestation in America. When I say "fascist" I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
The Downfall Of Western Civilization
This is a lightly edited e-mail reply to a former reader who told me about Michael Moore's new documentary dissing Green Energy. Hi ___, I don't care anymore about "green energy". That was always bullshit anyway. The biosphere is still fucked, though it will be fucked a little more slowly due to the suicide of the United States and Europe in response to the pandemic. The economy here in America has basically collapsed. About 33.5 million people in the U.S. have filed for unemployment benefits in the last 7 weeks. That's much worse than what happened at the beginning of... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
How Dare You!
I have always preferred the dance version. I'm sure millions upon millions of people are happier to be alive now than ever before! And by the way, when all this hysterical bullshit finally gets sorted out, the mortality rate from COVID-19 will likely turn out to be less than 0.6% when you strip away those who had pre-existing conditions, those walking around without symptoms, and so on. Not that anyone will acknowledge their previous cluelessness. Humans have always stumbled around in the dark because they do not and can not know themselves. And because of this all-too-human farce, our once... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
Humans Don't Understand Models Because Of Course They Don't
The grim news out of the White House today is that Dr. Fauci and therefore President Trump expect between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths in an unspecified time frame due to COVID-19 (aka., the Wuhan Flu, the Kung Flu, or the Chinese Virus). This number is based on a model. A model makes assumptions about (assigns values to) relevant variables X1, X2, ... , Xn, and plugs those variables into some equations to make a predictions about outcomes, in this case the estimated deaths which will be caused by the Kung Flu. Simplifying, those equations are the model. (For grisly details,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2020 at Decline of the Empire
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