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Dave Bolt
Recent Activity
We're currently looking. For us here are the features we're looking at.
1) Software as a service. We want something running out in the Cloud. Been running a ChMS in house and want to get out of the technology hosting business (at least for this app). Don't want to invest in purchasing server hardware just so we can run Shelby or ACS. Any solution that is not 100% web-based is currently not an option for us.
2) Features - Management of basic contact info, attendance, contribution, ability to help with scheduling rooms and resources, dashboard reporting. FB like social networking for church groups is a plus.
3) Eval is based on review of web sites, webinars of systems, pricing, matching of features to our church's unique DNA.
Easy Question, re: Choosing a ChMS
But the answer may be difficult. If you're looking for a new ChMS (even hypothetically), what are the few key points that would cause you to pick one vendor over another? Company? People? Price? Features? Integrity? Referrals? Is it conceivable to build a survey or matrix or simple piece of softw...
Dave Bolt is now following The Typepad Team
May 20, 2010
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