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San Diego
Artist with a day job.
Interests: painting, photography, model trains, disneyland, travel (to places other than disneyland), reading, writing, web design, classic film
Recent Activity
The Importance of Being Knice
I have a new addition to pop culture vocabulary that I would like to introduce. It's the word knice. When you put the silent k in front of the word, it symbolizes a hidden or silent meaning that's opposite of the intended meaning. In other words being knice is when someone is doing or saying...
Daveland is now following Mike Shaffrey's blog
Aug 7, 2010
Thanks for the nice comments guys; PODW: I can assure you that restoring this walk-through was not cheap. Moving all of the electrical apparatus for the fireworks that had taken roost inside of the castle over the years was extremely expensive! That is what is so fantastic—the fact that Disney was committed to bringing back this cool little attraction that is so understatedly cool!
SBC Diorama: Perfect blend of art & technology
Unless you’re a Disney fan who has been living under a rock for the last 7 years, you most likely know what the front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle looks like. However, if you don’t know that prior to 2001 you could walk INSIDE the castle, well...that’s totally forgive-able. Back on April 29, 19...
You guys are way too kind; thanks so much! - Dave
The Flying Saucers
Greetings “My Disney Blog” Readers. Disney Dean is allowing me to do some guest contributions. My website,, is full of vintage and current photos of Disneyland. I will be posting photos from my site as well as a few stories to go along with them. My first post will be about the Fl...
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