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Dave Paisley
Airplane designer, youth worker, guitarist, not necessarily in that order.
Interests: music, airplanes, youth work, guitars., movies, reading, photography, baseball, god
Recent Activity
And... D'oh!
Just for Kicks - Bye Bye Brady
Dusted off the old blog just to say ha ha ha to the Patriots. It's only halfway through the 3rd quarter, but at 28-3, it's looking a lot like Superbowl XLVIII...
Just for Kicks - Bye Bye Brady
Dusted off the old blog just to say ha ha ha to the Patriots. It's only halfway through the 3rd quarter, but at 28-3, it's looking a lot like Superbowl XLVIII... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2017 at Disaster Area
And the Other Baby...
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Posted Sep 20, 2013 at Disaster Area
So Adorable
Eight months in, two adorable kids. Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2013 at Disaster Area
Merry Xmas Everybody
It's been a while since I last posted. Lots going on, of course. Bonnie and I just went public a few weeks ago with the fact that we're having twins imminently and that, of course, will be the biggest and best Christmas present anyone could ever have. It's somewhat appropriate that all of this is happeneing around the end of a year. So much retrospective reflection and so much eager anticipation for what's next. For us this is amplified a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2012 at Disaster Area
Freedom from Stupid Religion
What I'd like to know is, if Richard Mourdock's, Todd Akin's or Paul Ryan's wife or daughter were to be raped and become pregnant, would they be happy to let these female relatives and loved ones go through 9 months of gestation and raise the babies in their homes as if nothing happened? And what of the father's, I mean rapist's, rights? Visitation, partial custody? Can you imagine? Maybe they think that would make a great sitcom (I'm sure Fox... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2012 at Disaster Area
Science: It's A Girl Thing (too)
The lack of women in science and engineering is a much researched and lamented problem. The origins of the problem are easy to figure out - women were not allowed to participate for most of human history, and in the last century the situation has changed enough so that there are now few formal barriers, but millenia's worth of cultural ones. I particularly enjoy reading Cambridge physicist Athene Donald's blog, wherein she devotes most of her writing to women in... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2012 at Disaster Area
An Unholy Alliance
The presidential election this year is shaping up on several fronts. The economy is up and down, and where it lands in November will be a big factor in determining a lot of swing votes. However, the issue of how religion factors into the election has been downplayed considerably so far. This is partly due to journalists not wanting to be seen to be attacking "religion", and also perhaps not wanting to mix religion wih politics (as if!) or not... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2012 at Disaster Area
Proud new Kentridge High grad and parents... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2012 at Disaster Area
Try Jesus
Saw a bumper sticker with that slogan yesterday. Funny, I thought, that's what Pontius Pilate did... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2012 at Disaster Area
Three year first date-iversary
Three year first date-iversary. Love you sweetheart :) Dinner at Anthony's and Swan Lake. Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2012 at Disaster Area
Accessible Technology - On the Road to CSUN with Gary and Dan
Some friends of mine, Gary and Dan, who work at Microsoft in their accessibility organization are videoblogging and tweeting their way from Seattle to San Diego this past week on their road trip to the 27th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference aka CSUN (for Cal State Uni Northridge, where the conference originated). One of the things I have come to appreciate as I have been exposed to it over the years is accessible technology. What is accessible... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2012 at Disaster Area
More Romney Mormon Shenanigans
As I have noted previously, there is much to be bemused at in Mormonry. Tons of stuff. More than you can shake a stick at. Several sticks, even. The baptizing of the long-dead is just one of them, but it is a very strange one. Obsession with genealogy, OK. But when the primary purpose is to go back and baptize millions of the long-dead it kind of crosses the line into batshit crazy. It's creepy and it's disrespectful of the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2012 at Disaster Area
What Mormons Think of Your Church
With Mitt Romney looking to grab the Republican nomination for president there has been much written about his Mormon faith and how it impacts his electability. The vast majority of what has been written has been about understanding Mormons, and exploring how much non-Mormons are biased against Mormons. A recent Pew Research article says that 46% of Mormons believe there is a lot of discrimination against them, and 68% believe that the American people do not see Mormons as part... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2012 at Disaster Area
The Things You See On The Road...
Driving along the other day, I found myself behind this car... You see lots of those cutesy little family graphics, but as I pulled up behind it, I saw this one was a little different: Makes you wonder what that's all about... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at Disaster Area
Logging 2012 Style
Once the downed trees were cleared from the roadway they had to be dragged out of the way to be cut up. Here's one of the trees on that sorry journey. Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2012 at Disaster Area
Ice Storm Aftermath
Well, it's been thirteen days at home since the power went out. The generator was just fine, though, and power was restored nine days ago. The internet, well, that took all of those nine days to get fixed. Thanks to the ice, we lost most of the deciduous trees on the property - dozens. Some will likely survive but with major damage. Looks like we also lost a bunch of fence to trees coming over from the neighboring forest land... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2012 at Disaster Area
Merry Christmas
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Posted Dec 25, 2011 at Disaster Area
2011 in Mosaic
Merry Christmas & a happy end to 2011 from Dave & Bonnie. Mid-left side is the Century Party picture. Pictures are mostly horses, house, Hawaii and Portugal Continue reading
Posted Dec 25, 2011 at Disaster Area
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from David Crowder and a few thousand fans... Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2011 at Disaster Area
Top Christmas Songs
Gen Y bitching about Baby Boomers again... Missed Santa Baby, there... Bonnie and I were listening to a Pandora Christmas station laste weekend and sure enough this was the playlist, very noticeable because of the repetition. Which got us to thinking about the "new" original (not remakes or reinterpretations) Christmas standards, if there have been any, since the fifties, particularly from the eighties on. Pickings are pretty slim, but I did manage to come up with a few that at... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2011 at Disaster Area
Watching the Church of England
I've been reading a book over the last few months called Wqatching the English by Kate Fox, and English anthropologist. It's been both insightful and frustrating - seeing both the best and worst of English culture, and seeing which parts I've left behind and what has stayed with me - a maddening mix of both the good and the bad. The Church of England, though, is reserved for the end, almost an afterthought or epilogue in itself. Her observations, culled... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2011 at Disaster Area
Canadian Slackers Have Demands, Pick Wrong City to Occupy, Demand Cabinet Seats
Wow, occupying Edmonton, Alberta in winter seems like a shockingly bad idea, but hey, that's their right, I guess. The Occupy movement lacks focus, clues, many things (except Occupy Toilets, which is very focused on just one thing), but not Occupy Edmonton. They have come up with a starter list of 8 things they want. 8 things we need to see in order for us to leave willingly: 1. We want to see our government officials actually come and participate... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2011 at Disaster Area
Penn State, Paterno, Sandusky - Just the Tip of the Iceberg
One of the things I have always been ambivalent about since arriving in North America is college sports. I like sports, but here college sports can get just crazy. Here, they're bigger than Jesus - certainly at least on a par with most major religions. And now we have a situation at a college that mirrors that of the worst of Catholic priest excesses. There's much instant journalism out there right now, but I challenge anyone and everyone to shut... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2011 at Disaster Area
Yeah, Those Are Our Priorities...
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Posted Oct 28, 2011 at Disaster Area
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