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David A. Porter
Scottsdale, Arizona
Recent Activity
How King David Would Handle the Boston Marathon Bombing
I wonder, might we as a people be jumping from the slaughter of innocents to our own revenge without the necessary heart-work, and doing business with God? Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2013 at A Boomer in the Pew
Paul Potts, Nessun Dorma, and the Beauty of God
Take four minutes and watch the debut of Paul Potts singing Nessun Dorma on Britain's Got Talent. Go ahead, I'll wait... Now. How are you feeling? I don't know about you, but I have tears on my cheeks and was... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2013 at A Boomer in the Pew
Hey Wes,
I've really missed sharing my heart with this blog. Although I currently won't be able to dedicated as much time as I have in the past, it feels good to get some of my thoughts out. Thanks for your encouragement.
Yearning for the Beauty Behind the Beautiful
This is a photograph of Sadie Grace Unkovich that I swiped (with permission) from her mother's Facebook page. This is the very first granddaughter of a very dear friend, and ever since Sadie's birth a few short months ago, I've noticed a wellspring of joy, love, happiness, and generosity flow...
Yearning for the Beauty Behind the Beautiful
This is a photograph of Sadie Grace Unkovich that I swiped (with permission) from her mother's Facebook page. This is the very first granddaughter of a very dear friend, and ever since Sadie's birth a few short months ago, I've... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2013 at A Boomer in the Pew
Attempting to Understand Suffering Through the Eyes of Job
Job, by Léon Bonnat I need to make a confession: I am stubborn man, and my stubborn pride many times prevents me from quickly learning the things that God would have me learn. I can't begin to tell you how... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2013 at A Boomer in the Pew
Pondering the Passing of Another Year
As beings who live within the construct of time, the marking of time is a behavior common to all those who draw breath. To keep track of this thing called time, we have watches, iPhones, computers, the sun, the moon,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2013 at A Boomer in the Pew
Hi Becky,
A short scroll down this blog's page will find a great deal of inactivity. When our Roaming Boomers site began to take off, we decided to make a fairly significant investment in that enterprise to see if we might be able to make it a real business.
We're still on that journey. As such, because this site was taking 3-4 hours a day, I just couldn't do both. Therefore, we've laid this site in the background until I can get our place in the Internet and social media world sorted out.
In the meantime, please tell all your friends about The Roaming Boomers. Word of mouth is always the best form of advertising. Thanks!
A Year-Long Journey through Systematic Theology by Dr. Wayne Grudem
Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem - This post is to announce my year-long journey through Dr. Wayne Grudem's world-renowned Systematic Theology. I will be taking a chapter from the text each week, adding the audio of Dr. Grudem's Sunday school class lectures at Scottsdale Bible Church (my ho...
Win a Trip to St. Lucia
We've been very busy over at our The Roaming Boomers® website and I thought I'd share a fun sweepstakes we're running. Together with one of our industry partners, we're giving away a FREE trip to St. Lucia. The trip includes... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2012 at A Boomer in the Pew
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the note. We've been busy over at I do have some plans for this site, but they'll have to wait a bit.
My Son Josh: A Chip of the Ole Block
My Son Josh: A Chip of the Ole Block
Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2012 at A Boomer in the Pew
Hi Jeff,
You are welcome to use the video. Thanks for stopping by and and giving a vote of confidence.
It's great to hear from you after all these years.
For My Friends & Family
I am fairly certain that a number of my friends and family have come across my journal, and it would only be natural, I suppose, to scratch their heads in wonder. Hey Dave Porter, I knew you when... Please understand, you did know me when. There have been many times in my life where I have done...
Can you point me to the particular post in question?
About the Boomer
Feb 14,2008 I suppose the first question someone might ask is, "Why are you writing this blog?" Well, the bulk of my life has been primarily centered around the building and selling of a successful business. I made it my life goal to retire at the age of 50. Remarkably, we sold our bus...
Hi Don,
We didn't start back up again in 2011. We're currently contemplating the direction of this site.
You might want to peek around in the archives, there is a lot of stuff here.
A Year-Long Journey through Systematic Theology by Dr. Wayne Grudem
Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem - This post is to announce my year-long journey through Dr. Wayne Grudem's world-renowned Systematic Theology. I will be taking a chapter from the text each week, adding the audio of Dr. Grudem's Sunday school class lectures at Scottsdale Bible Church (my ho...
Wes, thank you for your note and concern. With all the energy that is going into our online travel magazine, I no longer seem to have the 3-4 hours/day that it takes to maintain the quality of posts that I was accustomed to writing. My relationship with God is still close and strong, but I do miss those very early morning hours in study. It seems that travel, constantly changing time zones, and a variety of factors has thrown me under the bus.
Nonetheless, I do have some big plans for this site, I just can't launch them yet. Stay tuned, and I really appreciate your note.
Where in the World is Dave Porter
It has been nearly a month since I have posted in this little corner of my world. I suppose, some of you might be wondering where in the world I have gone. Well, a couple of things are happening: Our The Roaming Boomers online travel magazine continues to gain popularity and requires more and...
Thanks guys! Rodney, Australia is absolutely on our bucket list. When we get there, we will certainly look you up.
Where in the World is Dave Porter
It has been nearly a month since I have posted in this little corner of my world. I suppose, some of you might be wondering where in the world I have gone. Well, a couple of things are happening: Our The Roaming Boomers online travel magazine continues to gain popularity and requires more and...
Where in the World is Dave Porter
It has been nearly a month since I have posted in this little corner of my world. I suppose, some of you might be wondering where in the world I have gone. Well, a couple of things are happening: Our... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2011 at A Boomer in the Pew
Boy Wes, I sure don't miss that white stuff.
Sorry to hear about the unreliability of your MacBook Air. We're still using our MacBook Pro when we travel, and Carol uses it everyday, and we have very little problems. A sticky key, but that is it.
Further, I am still gleefully using my iMac to complete our daily postings. Very happy, I am. :)
Using my iPad to write a blog post
My MacBook Air is in the shop again, so I'm using my iPad to write this post. I've tried this a couple of times before with varying degrees of success. I've used various blogging clients form the App Store and each one seemed to miss a feature or two to make it a practical tool. I've inserted a...
Wonderful to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts.
The Dangers of Busyness, Success, and Prosperity
We just returned from a wonderful two-week adventure in Hawaii for our "The Roaming Boomers®" online travel magazine. Although the pathway still seems quite foggy for this enterprise, we have enjoyed a fair amount of success and we are at one of those critically important break-though points t...
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I completely agree.
Is the Bible Only Understandable by Those With Seminary Degrees?
Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem - This post is part of my year-long journey through Dr. Wayne Grudem's world-renowned Systematic Theology. I welcome and hope for your interaction. Chapter 6 The Four Characteristics of Scripture: (2) Clarity There is a school of thought that suggests tha...
The Dangers of Busyness, Success, and Prosperity
With all of the busyness, excitement, travel, changing time zones, and dizzying schedules, I left out the most important piece of the whole puzzle: my alone time with God each day. Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2011 at A Boomer in the Pew
The Bible as a Historical Document
One of the greatest testaments to the scoffer is that the Bible contains real people, in real places, in real times in history past. Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at A Boomer in the Pew
Thanks for stopping by. I greatly enjoyed your comments.
The Inerrancy of Scripture: Are There Any Errors in the Bible?
Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem - This post is part of my year-long journey through Dr. Wayne Grudem's world-renowned Systematic Theology. I welcome and hope for your interaction. Chapter 5 - The Inerrancy of Scripture We are spending the first eight weeks of our study seeking to understa...
The Profound Danger of Saying "This is What the Bible Means to Me"
Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the healthy sharing of thoughts and ideas. The danger lies in allowing a sneaky relativism into our belief system. Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2011 at A Boomer in the Pew
This illustration is from Crossway Publishers in Chicago. You might give them a shout.
King Solomon's Temple
I just finished the life of Solomon, in II Chronicles. Although this was a very brief snapshot of his life, the details of the Lord's Temple were amazing. This scaled drawing, from my new ESV Study Bible, gives us a scaled representation of what this structure must have looked like. The p...
Another amazing tool to help us in understanding the Bible is happening right here.
I bring up a question, and people from all over the world chime in with their perspectives.
I can't begin to tell you how much I have learned from trusted friends and resources I have found on the Internet.
Is the Bible Only Understandable by Those With Seminary Degrees?
Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem - This post is part of my year-long journey through Dr. Wayne Grudem's world-renowned Systematic Theology. I welcome and hope for your interaction. Chapter 6 The Four Characteristics of Scripture: (2) Clarity There is a school of thought that suggests tha...
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