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David Baker
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The numbers in the chart are for shopping center space alone. The US has closer to 40 sf of space per capita (Southern Florida has 74 sf/person!) Unfortunately the European numbers are distorted by this as a smaller percentage of retail is located in malls. A reasonable amount of shopping per person is probably more like 10 to 20 sf. Doesn't negate the overall thesis, but perhaps a bit sloppy.
Peak Suburbia
June 25, 2007 I get lots of letters from people in various corners of the nation who are hysterically disturbed by the continuing spectacle of suburban development. But instead of joining in their hand-wringing, I reply by stating my serene conviction that we are at the end of the cycle -- ...
Copenhagen's new subway is also driverless, with very frequent service. Also the trains, and thus the station platforms, can be shorter, thus simpler and less exprensive. Very smart and the way to go all around.
Obviously these systems need to be grade separated. A very good thing, much faster, and it also avoids the issue of the significant hazard to cyclists that LRV tracks in the street represent.
frequency and freedom on driverless rapid transit
If you've seen much of Vancouver on television the last few days, you've probably seen a shot of a small train gliding along an elevated guideway. It's SkyTrain, the world's largest system of fully automated (driverless) metros. Perhaps you've ridden driverless trains that shuttle between air...
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Feb 21, 2010
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