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I posted this on your Facebook page as well and I hope you'll forgive the duplication. We are trying to use our community resources to help people and share useful information. If you or any of your readers have suggestions for how we can help, please tweet them to @MarketingCloud. I hope no one thinks I am being opportunistic posting this here. This is part of a sincere effort to ask as many people as possible what we can do besides just compiling mentions of the hurricane. Currently we are re-tweeting shelter information and information from emergency services, but I want us to do more if we can. David B. Thomas Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Fantastic! Congratulations, David.
Hey, David. You hit the nail on the head with "something worth talking about and a distribution network." That's a perfect takeaway for any individual or company wondering what it takes to be influential in social media. Great to see you at BlogWorld, as always. Dave
Toggle Commented Nov 9, 2011 on Who Influenced Blogworld? at Logic+Emotion
Congratulations, David. That's quite a team over there. All the best.
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2009 on I'm Joining Edelman at Logic+Emotion
DavidBThomas is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 13, 2009