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I posted this on your Facebook page as well and I hope you'll forgive the duplication. We are trying to use our community resources to help people and share useful information. If you or any of your readers have suggestions for how we can help, please tweet them to @MarketingCloud.
I hope no one thinks I am being opportunistic posting this here. This is part of a sincere effort to ask as many people as possible what we can do besides just compiling mentions of the hurricane. Currently we are re-tweeting shelter information and information from emergency services, but I want us to do more if we can.
David B. Thomas
Salesforce Marketing Cloud
When newsjacking is in poor form and can damage your brand
UPDATE October 30, 2012 at 10:20 Mike Volpe, HubSpot CMO, apologized for the tone of the original post in an update to it now called Is Newsjacking Hurricane Sandy Right or Wrong? The original HubSpot post sparked a very important discussion which was continued here and in Mike's update. We neede...
Fantastic! Congratulations, David.
My Kind of Town: New Job, Same Company
Over the past couple of years since joining Edelman, I've gotten into the habit of writing up a short post every time I celebrate an "Edelversary". For the rest of you, this is Edelman speak for a one year anniversary at Edelman. I've found it to be a great way to look back at what's been acco...
Hey, David. You hit the nail on the head with "something worth talking about and a distribution network." That's a perfect takeaway for any individual or company wondering what it takes to be influential in social media.
Great to see you at BlogWorld, as always.
Who Influenced Blogworld?
Last week I spoke at Blogworld in LA and today came across this post done by Radian 6 who leverged their platform to provide some analysis of the conversations generated by the event. The graph above reflects the following accoring to Radian 6: "The top influencers driving conversations Satu...
Congratulations, David. That's quite a team over there. All the best.
I'm Joining Edelman
Last April I informed you that I would be making a move to join what is now known as The Dachis Group and re-locating to Austin. It was an opportunity that I felt like I could not pass up and being hand picked to join a team of this caliber was enticing to say the least. Since then, not everythi...
DavidBThomas is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 13, 2009
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