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David Davila
NYC by way of the Lone Star State
Interests: pizza, tacos, and theatre...
Recent Activity
Rewriting history has long been a part of Imperialism and Colonialism... by David Davila (Gay Latino) "History is decided by the Victors." Winston Churchill is credited with saying that, but he didn't come up with it. There are dozens of other people credited with saying similar phrases throughout History and so it is the perfect example of it's own meaning. None of us can know the things that came before us except through written documents, shared stories & myths, and scientific evidence. So it has always been that we believe what we are taught. So it seemed like the perfect... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2017 at Crazytown
Imagine a television show where your least favorite and most likely forgotten Drag Race contestants got a second chance... by David Davila It's been a month and we're still talking about Drag Race All Stars 2... It was that good y'all. Sheesh! Between the drama, back-stabbing, alliances, runways, comedy, murderous lip-syncs, and plain ole shenanigans, All Stars 2 delivered some of the best entertainment of my entire life! So obviously we want more of it! Too bad that All Stars doesn't really work that way because we sorta have to wait for more All Stars to arise from the next... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2016 at Crazytown
On the sexualization of teenage girls... by David Davila One of the biggest problems of a Trump presidency is that little girls and boys are being taught that girls are sexual objects. I cried when Hillary Clinton lost the presidency not only because I feared a country under the rule of a fascist white supremacist but also because of the message that came with that win: it's okay to sexually assault women. Within the context of the next four years I'm torn as to what to tell my four year old niece or any other school age girl for that... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2016 at Crazytown
It's November y'all... time for a new unhealthy obsession to cure you of your Thanksgiving coma... by David Davila So I was watching the Presidential debate last October, which was that terrible new reality show on PBS starring Donald Trump, and I fell asleep. That's not the interesting part of this story. I mean... you know the show keeps getting worse... The interesting part was that I woke up hours later and this beautiful man was on my television. This gorgeous strawberry-blonde with a face chiseled by Zeus himself. To top it off he was playing a priest (which is... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2016 at Crazytown
Soooo good!
:( We need to stick together now more than ever!
Toggle Commented Nov 10, 2016 on ...UM, IS AMERICA STILL HERE? at Crazytown
The delicious off-Broadway musical was made into a camp-classic movie that never saw the light of day... by David Davila (Musical Theatre Writer) If you're a musical theatre obsessed weirdo like me, then you've loved ZOMBIE PROM the musical for quite some time. I was in a production back in 2007 and boy did we have a blast! It's a hysterical musical about a 1950's high school love affair gone dead; literally. I've always thought it would make a great movie, so you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that they already made it into a movie back in... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2016 at Crazytown
It's October y'all... and I got a new obsession... by David Davila I grew up with Solange. Like you, to me Solange was just Beyonce's little sister. She was just an untalented little brat that got to ride the coattails of greatness. Wrong. I was wrong. You were wrong. We were all wrong. Solange is an artist. I actually realized it back in 2012 with the release of her last album TRUE. So I was eagerly awaiting her follow-up A SEAT AT THE TABLE. Now that it's in my possession, it's on heavy rotation. I can't stop listening to it.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2016 at Crazytown
On this edition of INSIDE GAY CINEMA, Matt Kugelman talks To Wong Fu, Texas Heat, and his crush on Fred Savage... by David Davila (musical theatre writer) A fierce storm is making it's way around the globe, and its name is HURRICANE BIANCA, the new film written and directed by Matt Kugelman and staring the now infamous actor/comedian Roy Haylock also known as Bianca del Rio. Of course Bianca del Rio jumped to fame two years ago when she became the biggest winner in RuPaul's Drag Race HERstory. Since then she's been one busy cookie touring the globe with her... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2016 at Crazytown
I recently saw WICKED again, and boy did it hit close to home… by David Davila Trick or Treat? I still feel like this whole Trump candidacy is some kind of trick; a joke played on us by Mark Burnett and his team of reality show producers. If they wanted high ratings for the debates, hell for all news channels for three months, they got it! Bravo Mark, and happy Halloween! Since October is the month of witches and goblins, what better time for me to revisit one of my favorite musicals, WICKED. I recently saw this extravaganza of a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2016 at Crazytown
Let's take a look at some of the musicals that paved the way for HAMILTON... by David Davila (musical theatre writer) Most of you out there are sick of HAMILTON at this point? Right? No? Just me? Okay... not even me... but some of you might be I suppose. Or maybe HAMILTON was the first musical that really made you feel like musicals could be something besides tap shoes and line kicks. Maybe you're looking for a new (old) musical to devour completely. Something you can memorize from beginning to end like HAMILTON... well... you're in luck, because I happened... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2016 at Crazytown
A guide to which shows you should see this year... by David Davila (playwright / songwriter) It's August in NYC, which means two things: gay guys wearing practically nothing, and experimental theatre. Yes sir, it's NYC's turn to host the Fringe, which means downtown NYC will be buzzing with the energy of over 200 shows night and day. Deciding which show to see this year can be a little daunting, so I thought I'd help you out by pointing out a few that everyone is talking about. WALKEN ON SUNSHINE Writer: Dave Droxler, Music by James Rushin Director: Marcus Stevens... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2016 at Crazytown
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2016 on TWO TRAGEDY, OR NOT TWO TRAGEDY? at Crazytown
Meet NYC's most promising starving artists before they're rich and famous. This week meet playwright Judith Leora, and find out what she has to say about dating drug dealers, American sitcoms as an art form, and tiny buckets of pennies. by David Davila (musical theatre writer) It was four years ago when nine other musical theatre writers and I were set-up with the impossible task of writing a full length musical about the Occupy Wall Street movement in just three weeks. There was a lot of screaming, a lot of coffee, and a lot of big personalities with crazy ideas.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2016 at Crazytown
Back at the New York Musical Festival and this year there's no pressure... by David Davila (Musical Theatre Writer) It's that time of year again, NYMF, and I've had so much fun going to shows this year without having the added pressure of presenting a show myself. NYMF really helped get my musical, MANUEL VS THE STATUE OF LIBERTY to the next level creatively, and I just can't say enough about how wonderful the New York Musical Festival is! Everyone should do it! I wish I could say I saw everything and predict which shows will become monster hits in... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2016 at Crazytown
Meet NYC's most promising starving artists before they're rich and famous. This week meet composer and lyricist Loren Berí, and find out what he has to say about synchronicity, Lizzy Caplan, and Manischewitz. by David Davila (musical theatre writer) It was about eight months ago when my boyfriend turned to me and said "You have to listen to Loren Berí," He was referring to the album STOCKHOLM FANCY, and once I took his advice I became an instant fan. So you can imagine my surprise when a gentlemen approached me at The PlayGround Experiment back in March and introduced himself... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2016 at Crazytown
touching in it's honestly about how we hope that we will live forever through our children, and the realities of being forgotten when we die.
Toggle Commented Jun 29, 2016 on GREAT-GREAT-GRANDPA HYMAN at Crazytown
This is beautiful. What a wonderful gift that she gave you; to love musicals!
Toggle Commented Jun 29, 2016 on THE KING AND I AND MOM at Crazytown
So enjoying these blogs about why musicals are successful or failures... Keep em coming Eric Grunin!!!
Toggle Commented Jun 29, 2016 on BOREDOM AND CONFUSION at Crazytown
Meet NYC's most promising starving artists before they're rich and famous. This week meet cartoonist and illustrator, Jeremy Nguyen and find out what he has to say about talking to adults, Sunday comics, and real estate. by David Davila (musical theatre writer) I wish I could say I discovered the cartoonist Jeremy Nguyen at a cool party in Bushwick with a bunch of smelly hipsters but he actually caught my attention on Instagram where he posts clever and hilarious cartoons about hipster life in the Bohemian capitol of the world: Bushwick. "Stranger Than Bushwick", which he illustrates serializes in Bushwick... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2016 at Crazytown
Kat, this is EVERYTHING!
Toggle Commented May 30, 2016 on WHAT I'D TELL MY 18-YEAR-OLD SELF at Crazytown
It's time for crazytownblog's fifth annual look at the best new LGBT shows on the interwebs. by David Davila (writer of all kinds of things) So yay for gays!!! This year it was actually hard narrowing down which shows I would choose to include in the fifth annual Gay Web Series blog. Gays are definitely more accepted everywhere in the US except for North Carolina (shout out to Shakina Nayfack for taking the crusade there), and are appearing more and more on TV little by little, though we have no official TV shows dedicated specifically to gay characters. Still that... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2016 at Crazytown
My friends and I have been trying to predict the nominations for months so I thought I'd try my hand at it officially... by David Davila (musical theatre writer) Well the Tony nominations will be announced on Tuesday and though I haven't seen every single show that is eligible this year... I actually have seen a whole dang lot of them... and I've read the reviews... and... I've talked to all the tourists and jaded New Yorkers about them ALL YEAR LONG... So here are my predictions: ****please note this list doesn't represent my personal favorites in any way, and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2016 at Crazytown
I'm all about street meat