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Ima Freeman
Recent Activity
I'm willing to bet that not ONE of the panel members has read the Koran, Sira, or Hadith. Perhaps if they did, they'd be singing a different tune....................
Geller on FOX Business: Taxpayers to Fund Ground Zero Mosque Four Against One. Majority Loses
Last night I appeared on Eric Bolling's Follow the Money, to debate the latest Islamic attack on the American people in the second wave of the Ground Zero mosque controversy. The Islamic supremacists behind the Ground Zero mega mosque applied for $5 million in federal grant money that h...
I'm willing to bet that not ONE of the panel members has read the Koran, Sira, or Hadith. Perhaps if they did, they'd be singing a different tune....................
Geller on FOX Business: Taxpayers to Fund Ground Zero Mosque Four Against One. Majority Loses
Last night I appeared on Eric Bolling's Follow the Money, to debate the latest Islamic attack on the American people in the second wave of the Ground Zero mosque controversy. The Islamic supremacists behind the Ground Zero mega mosque applied for $5 million in federal grant money that h...
Kreeft belongs back in the 7th Century with Mohammed, and his views are biased and hollow, and don't address the realities of Islam in the 21st Century. And he chooses to slam the Enlightenment and suggests that we can learn something from Muslims. No thanks. Robert, on the other hand, presents a cogent and sound description of Islam, its traditions, and the effects they have on present-day society. Well done, Robert.
Spencer vs. Kreeft Debate: "The only good Muslim is a Bad Muslim"
Renowned scholars Robert Spencer and Peter Kreeft engage in discussion and debate on the topic "The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim." An enlightening theological exploration into one of the most important issues of our age. On Thursday night, Robert Spencer debated the Catholic philoso...
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Oct 9, 2010
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