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Prototype for Gold Open Access shared bookmarks service
The OAIG Gold Open Access project has collected and tagged a set of resources to help learned societies and others make decisions about whether, when and how to implement Open Access publishing of research outputs. The collection can be found at Each resource is tagged with some of the issues, sources or people to whom it relates. The tag cloud below shows the most commonly used tags (click a tag to see a list of all the resources with that tag). As well as browsing and searching this collection, you can also add new resources to it. The collection is lightly managed, but neither the selection nor the views expressed in the linked resources necessarily reflect the views of OAIG or its partners. Please see the disclaimers and terms of use for more details. Finding and using resources Use these links to browse the collection Most recent resources (this is the default view of the collection) Most popular resources Tag-based view of the resources (as above, click a tag to see all resources with that tag) By default you see the expanded view, which includes comments. To switch to the compact view, which displays more links in less space... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2013 at rebarbarised
Please count me in (contact details)
The Labor Day Manifesto Of the Passionate Creative Worker
[Three years ago today I posted A Labor Day Manifesto for a New World. In classic Hagelian fashion it was long and complicated. With the help of a few edge collaborators (Christopher Gong, Sarah Scharf and John Seely Brown), we've managed to simplify the Manifesto into some powerful imperatives...
I did some notes on these programmes when first broadcast, which may help people decide whether to commit the time to view them all, or look for particular bits.
Both episodes of Dylan Wiliam's "The Classroom Experiment" now available
Very good to see that both episodes of Dylan Wiliam's 2010 BBC documentary (docudrama?) about improving learning methods in secondary school are now available on YouTube, where I hope they will stay. Bear in mind that these two one-hour programmes will have derived from many many hours of video,...
Am I the only one who, prompted initially by Hu's prefacing all his colleagues' names with "comrade", sees something slightly sinister and Orwellian in the whole culture analysing behaviour so as to know learners better than they know themselves? It's like Googlezon coming true.
David Hu's use of AI - including Bayes networks - in the Khan Academy's assessment systems
Some weeks ago I posted a link to an interesting post by David Hu about how the Khan Academy is beginning to use machine learning and AI in its assessment systems. David Hu was an intern with the Khan Academy, and here is a video he made reflecting on the work he did during his internship. Do no...
DRAFT: How to School it Yourself
We're in one of those periods when real change in education might be possible. This doesn't happen very often. Here's why. Education is probably the single most powerful means by which our societies and our cultures reproduce themselves — institutions, values, character and differentials… the works. Hence the number of interest groups with a stake in education is enormous. Of all the culture-breeding channels available to those in power, education is in principle the one that lends itself most readily to engineering and design. However, in practice, everyone sticks the oar in and change is piecemeal, compromised and fragile. So it's rare for sufficient powerful forces to align and overcome the drag of inertia. Now is such a time, and I think we're just seeing the beginnings of changes that may take a decade or two to work through. Donald Clark writes of technology enabling "more pedagogic change in 10 years than last 1,000 years. Then there's the impact of economic retrenchment and austerity on learning, which I've been writing about on off for over two years, arguing that cases where people have to "make do" in their learning may have something to teach us about how to improve more... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2011 at rebarbarised
I watched this when you posted it a couple of weeks ago... and completely missed the bit where he announces the cancellation of the Glow Futures procurement at 2 mins 20 sec (only alerted to it by this article). He cleverly skipped over that bombshell, didn't he?
Many pieces loosely joined - the Scottish Government's interesting take on technology in learning
This short talk by Michael Russell MSP - published on 8 September - is definitely not a run-of-the-mill perspective on technology enhanced learning:
Rough notes on the history of the classroom
These notes were prepared for our Everything Unplugged meeting on Wednesday. Level 5 of Royal Festival Hall, London SE1 8XX, 10.30am-12.30pm — all welcome, free of charge. In the course of our discussion about "natural learning" we asked, Do some people think classrooms are a natural way to organise learning? This led to some speculative theorising about the history of the classroom and how long its current form had prevailed. Here are some notes I made from an hour or so's rooting around on the web, as a backdrop to further discussion. There's a book Silences & Images: The Social History of the Classroom (History of Schools and Schooling, Volume 7) by Ian Grosvenor, Martin Lawn, Kate Rousmaniere (editors), published in 1999 but it's not cheap to get hold of. Google Books entry Potted (early) history of education Cribbed from Wikipedia Prehistory: assumed to be oral tradition; stories, legends, folklore, rituals, and songs Advent of agriculture, leading to settlements, tools (including writing tools?), more specialisation of roles and division of labour. Starting in about 3500 BC, various writing systems were developed in ancient civilizations around the world. Middle East ancient civilisation "Only royal offspring and sons of the rich and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at rebarbarised
Are job selection methods actually measuring 'ability to identify criteria'?
Candidates try to squirrel out what they are being asked to do, or even who they are being asked to be, and funnel their energies towards that. When the situation is ambiguous, a so-called “weak” situation, those better at squirrelling – those with high “ability to identify criteria” (ATIC) - will put on the right performance, and those that are worse will put on Peer Gynt for the panto crowd. Some people are better at guessing what an assessment is measuring than others, so in itself ATIC is a real phenomenon. And the research shows that higher ATIC scores are associated with higher overall assessment performance, and better scores specifically on the dimensions they correctly guess. ATIC clearly has a 'figuring-out' element, so we might suspect its effects are an artefact of it being strongly associated with cognitive ability, itself associated with better performance in many types of assessment. But if anything the evidence works the other way. ATIC has an effect over and above cognitive ability, and it seems possible that cognitive ability buffs assessment scores mainly due to its contribution to the ATIC effect. via Lesson from this (and note to self, after just applying for a... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2011 at rebarbarised
Wait a hundred years for a collapse, and then avert it
John Kay writes of the financial crisis of 2008, The political left offered no diagnosis or new ideas, and it gained no electoral advantage. Instead, across Europe, the parties that had waited a century for capitalism to collapse under its own contradictions congratulated themselves that such collapse had been averted by the injection of incredible amounts—trillions of dollars—of taxpayer funds into the banking system. in Prospect, Issue 186, August 2011. A salutary lesson pithily expressed, don't you think? Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2011 at rebarbarised
Dealing with pressure when it matters
As a Surrey County cricket fan, I've been following Jade Dernbach's career as a bowler for around four years. If I'm honest, I've been surprised at how quickly he's made it into the England team over the last nine months or so — I'd have projected that he needed to wait and develop for at least one more season. But he got the call-up to play with the England Lions in the West Indies over the winter, got plenty of wickets, then an opening emerged, and he grasped it. Still, I was nervous when he got handed the ball to bowl the penultimate over in the series-decider against Sri Lanka this afternoon, with the opposition needing 17 runs from 12 balls with two wickets remaining. Jade can be great "at the death", but he can also be erratic: there was a chance that his first three balls would go for 10 and the game would effectively be over. He evidently wasn't as nervous as me, because he never got to bowl that third ball: he took the two wickets in the first two balls. Not "game effectively over"; game over, full stop. Attaboy. The text commentator at Cricinfo appeared to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2011 at rebarbarised
I've just used the Royal Opera House ticket booking system for the first time (to see the new Tarik O'Regan/Tom Phillips opera of Heart of Darkness, since you didn't ask), and I'm afraid their 133 titles knocks yours into a three-cornered cocked hat in terms of comprehensiveness. Princessin? Me neither. Along with all the HRHs, I was surprised not to find a WTF in there too:
Duke of
Earl of
Group Captain
H R H the Duchess of
H R H the Duke of
H R H The Princess
HE Senora
HE The French Ambassador M
His Highness
His Hon
His Hon Judge
Hon Ambassador
Hon Dr
Hon Lady
Hon Mrs
HRH Sultan Shah
HRH The Prince
HRH The Princess
HSH Princess
HSH The Prince
Lord and Lady
Lord Justice
Lt Cdr
Lt Col
Maj Gen
Marchioness of
Marquess of
Mr and Mrs
Mr and The Hon Mrs
Prof Emeritus
Prof Dame
Rev Canon
Rev Dr
Rev Mgr
Rev Preb
Reverend Father
Right Rev
Rt Hon
Rt Hon Baroness
Rt Hon Lord
Rt Hon Sir
Rt Hon The Earl
Rt Hon Viscount
The Baroness
The Countess
The Countess of
The Dowager Marchioness of
The Duchess
The Duchess of
The Duke of
The Earl of
The Hon
The Hon Mr
The Hon Mrs
The Hon Ms
The Hon Sir
The Lady
The Lord
The Marchioness of
The Princess
The Reverend
The Rt Hon
The Rt Hon Lord
The Rt Hon Sir
The Rt Hon The Lord
The Rt Hon the Viscount
The Rt Hon Viscount
The Venerable
The Very Rev Dr
Very Reverend
Viscount and Viscountess
W Baron
If ever you need a really comprehensive "title" drop-down
Just in case you need a really comprehensive list of titles for a drop-down menu, or if you want an insight into social class, here is the coding behind a form I had to fill in recently, with a few subsequent additions suggested by readers. 11 of the last 12 are an afterthought following an exch...
Robert Fripp's aims in keeping a diary
The Aims Of The Diaries. Public Aims: 1. To engage the listening community at an earlier stage of the creative process than is commonly available. 2. To inform the listening community of the practicalities of that process. 3. To de-mystify the process which is, essentially, practical. Private Aims: 1. To encourage the Diarist to recapitulate their experience. 2. To provide the Diarist with a pointed stick. 3. To expose the Diarist to public ridicule. Comments: 1. We continue to have a Romantic notion of the artist: a special creature set apart from common humanity, one favoured by the Muse. These Diaries indicate the mundane nature of the lives of artists: their simple, human and practical concerns. These Diaries remove the mystification that we project onto the artists, their lives and activities. The creative process is shown as being straightforward, ordinary and practical. At this point, with the commonplace nature of the artists’ work revealed, the creative process may appear more remarkable than before: how can ordinary people like these give rise to work which moves and touches us? Then, we find a new and deeper respect for the benevolence of the creative impulse: it succeeds despite these people, not because... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 26, 2011 at rebarbarised
And the pilot discussing landing conditions at some distant airport with air traffic control is also multitasking...
The WHO references are mostly reviews and meta-analyses themselves, so it's difficult to tell what methodologies they've used. There are a couple that refer to a "100-Car Naturalistic driving study" and that's the kind of evidence that would be useful. I'd imagine it ought to be possible, without too much investment, to rig some fairly rigorous driving simulations where you study different kinds of distraction under experimental conditions. (You can bet they do this kind of thing with pilots' flight simulations, because the regulations are a different order.)
I would give much more credibility to studies of actual distraction in a realistic context than to brain imaging reports, from which the degree of distraction has to be inferred (by means that are not widely understood or agreed). Mini rant here: in some quarters brain imaging and neuroscience have acquired the status of voodoo. People who don't begin to understand the basis or methodologies of these studies give them the kind of credence normally reserved for Moses' tablets of stone (it was Moses, wasn't it?). Just because some scientist (read: witchdoctor) has taken assigned significance to some parts of an image of a brain (read: stuck pins in a doll representing someone), the world will now shift on its axis. The differences is that most neuroscientists are actually much more humble and cautious about the significance of their work than the people who recruit this work for their own ends. Rant over.
I haven't read the WHO report in detail, but two figures jumped out at me. "In Great Britain, distraction was cited as a contributory factor in 2% of reported crashes". Mobile phones are mentioned in 2 of the 10 "main internal sources of driver distraction" - others including adjusting temperature controls, radio etc.
To be clear, NONE of this is to dismiss or belittle the importance of distraction while driving or operating any other kind of potentially lethal machinery. I'm quite prepared to accept that evidence of mobile phones being implicated in dangerous driving may exist (just let's try some other more direct methods than brain imaging).
If I seem to be playing devil's advocate here, it's because I'm wary of some on the Keen-Carr "modern life is rubbish" axis who, knowingly or unknowingly, make misleading claims based on evidence that doesn't robustly support the arguments they say it does.
The human brain while texting, tweeting, phoning, driving
As a cyclist I've developed a sixth sense about which vehicles will, when they get close, be driven by a phone user; along with a riskily combative approach to such drivers if I can engage with them.... The Economist's Andreas Kluth is rightly a bit obsessed with the same issue, and writes abou...
So what tasks can you do while driving and which are unsafe? If calling is out, what about carrying on a conversation with someone in the car?
Kevin Kelly recently blogged about multiplexing, as opposed to multitasking, though I'm not sure if this is a bogus distinction. He writes of being totally engaged in audiobooks while driving, without ever having had an accident. But is it a biological fact that he's wrong to be so confident. Should car radios and CD players be banned?
I'm not saying there's no cause for concern here, but it seems like it's another of those insidious "a line has to be drawn somewhere, but where?" arguments. I'm sceptical about "biological fact" claims unless backed up by multiple sources that show a sophisticated understanding of attention that goes beyond just a unitary, zero-sum resource.
The human brain while texting, tweeting, phoning, driving
As a cyclist I've developed a sixth sense about which vehicles will, when they get close, be driven by a phone user; along with a riskily combative approach to such drivers if I can engage with them.... The Economist's Andreas Kluth is rightly a bit obsessed with the same issue, and writes abou...
Please could you give me feedback on this draft
If you could give me any comments or other feedback on this draft article by Thursday, I'd be very grateful! I've written it for the newsletter of the Association for Learning and Technology, so the audience is mostly learning technology professionals in Higher Education and Further Education. Comments welcome either in the comments field below or by email to me, david at alchemi-dot-co-dot-uk. Many thanks! Like the future, the impact of a colder climate is not evenly distributed. I guess there must be some areas where current economic challenges are experienced as business-as-usual, plus some pressure to trim a bit of excess fat. But many of the people I speak to have a sense that we are going through — or just heading into — a period that is qualitatively different from the cyclical ebbs and flows that education has gone through over the past decades. My sample is in no way balanced of representative but last year I interviewed people involved in learning from a home educator to a university professors, and from a social software entrepreneur to a photographer who is committed to helping people learn yet refuses to see this as teaching (recorded on my blog, and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at rebarbarised
Neil Young's manager to fan blogger: Do you have a life?
Elliot: You need to lighten up. You guys take this stuff way too seriously. It's only music. Neil's just a musician. He's not an economist. Or a politician. Or a CEO. Your musical hero can't be the solution to your problems. So let me ask you a question. Do you have a life? What's the deal? TW: Oh yeah. I'm happily married man and all that stuff. We feel quite fortunate and lucky to do what we do. To give back to the Neil community all the love and affection they've given to us over the years. Thankful for all that we've learned from our fellow fans that have helped to try and make us us all better people. You know. Celebrate the music. The passion. The community. It's actually a lot of fun. That whole "keep on bloggin' 'til the power goes out. Battery's dead. Twist & shout." That sort of idea. Elliot: No, really. Seriously. C'mon. Why? TW: Well, in a way, Neil changed our lives. I've never really discussed this before. But long ago, someone broke my heart. I found a lot of solace and comfort in his music. His songs helped me make it through a... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 1, 2011 at rebarbarised
Gesa, you have not provided me with any means to contact you.
Groups and behaviour patterns among music listeners
Not all music listeners and digital consumers are the same. It's an obvious thing to say, but in what ways do they differ? Are there any groups or patterns of behaviour among them? Youth subcultures are well known. Is it just my London perspective, or do people in the UK revel in the finer poin...
How thinking for others can boost your creativity
The next time you're struggling to solve a creative problem, try solving it for someone else. According to Evan Polman and Kyle Emich, we're more capable of mental novelty when thinking on behalf of strangers than for ourselves. This is just the latest extension of research into construal level theory, an intriguing concept that suggests various aspects of psychological distance can affect our thinking style. It's been shown, for example, that greater physical and temporal distance lead us to think more abstractly, such that you're more likely to solve a problem if you imagine being confronted by it in a far-off place and/or at a future time (read Jonah Lehrer's take on what this says about the importance of holidays). Now Polman and Emich have shown that social distance can have the same psychological benefit. via This makes sense intuitively (which is always a warning sign: the dangers of being drawn to research that backs up hunches and prejudices are legion). It explains why I can surprise myself with my usefulness at solving problems as a mentor or advisor. The surprise comes from the painful awareness of how useless and ineffectual I am at dealing with my own, similar... Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 1, 2011 at rebarbarised
Guy Claxton makes the same point (about the importance of the unconscious mind being able to turn over learned facts and concepts to generate new ideas) in some detail, and with more evidence -- dare I say there is a strong flavour of anecdote in the Poincaré piece? -- in a few of his books. Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind is probably the most accessible and direct on this point, though I love the broader scope of Noises from the Darkroom.
Poincaré's "Mathematical Creation" - via a review by Jim Holt of Nicholas Carr's "The Shallows"
I did not enjoy Nicolas Carr's "The Shallows - How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember" (in the US the strapline is the much brasher "What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains".....), which seemed to veer between coherent scientific investigation and journalistic hyperbol...
How more free stuff makes us poorer, allegedly
The internet, on which he has a lot to say, has had enormous benefits, but a striking amount of online activity is free and internet businesses create few new jobs (and displace lots of others). The result is growth in utility without much of a contribution to GDP, which would be fine except that countries and people have bills to pay, on things like health care, pensions, and government debt. Complicating matters is the fact that the fastest growing contributors to measured GDP—the government, education, and health sectors—deliver returns that are very difficult to measure. This suggests, he says, that rich world GDPs are likely overstated; we're poorer than we thought. via Well this is terrible... GDP isn't rising because too many things are free! So a profession emerges and builds a measure that some might argue was wrong-headed to start with. As things change, it becomes clear that it's getting less and less useful measure. And what conclusion does this lead the commentators to? (No, not that we should just forget that GDP was ever invented.) They conclude things must be getting worse because lots of things are happening that don't register on their measuring instruments. How terrible... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 14, 2011 at rebarbarised
Twitter trending: propagation and influence
From the abstract of this HP Labs research paper: In this paper, we conduct an intensive study of trending topics on Twitter and provide a theoretical basis for the formation, persistence and decay of trends. We also demonstrate empirically how factors such as user activity and number of followers do not contribute stronglyto trend creation and its propagation. In fact, we find that the resonance of the content with the users of the social network plays amajor role in causing trends. The last point is the main thing I wanted to see elaborated. I'm not sufficiently bothered about this area to get to grips with the maths in the middle of the paper, so I just skipped to the Trend-Setters and Conclusions sections. The researchers explain how they identified Twitter users who initiate the largest number of trending topics, and the process of propagation, mainly through retweeting. From the conclusion: When we considered the impact of the users of the network, wediscovered that the number of followers and tweet-rate of users are not the attributes that cause trends. So it's not that there's a master-race of Influentials who call the tune that the masses dance to. What proves to be... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at rebarbarised
Hi Rachel,
Obviously I can't share a company's copyrighted publications, but I'll be in touch privately to see if we can sort something out.
Groups and behaviour patterns among music listeners
Not all music listeners and digital consumers are the same. It's an obvious thing to say, but in what ways do they differ? Are there any groups or patterns of behaviour among them? Youth subcultures are well known. Is it just my London perspective, or do people in the UK revel in the finer poin...
Spotify Classical Playlists: A Brief History of Post-World War II Music
A Brief History of Post-World War II Music I am always fascinated by the seemingly incongruous worlds of music and other historical events. Isn't it a bit surreal that the last guardian of the classical tradition, Johannes Brahms, could have met the amateur violinist Albert Einstein? The latter was 18 years old when Brahms died. Richard Strauss, who was born in the year of Second Schleswig War, lived to see the ashes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and composed arguably the last great late romanticism piece Four Last Songs three years after the bomb. Britten wrote his splendid yet shadowy Suite For Harp, "it is rather 18th century harp writing" as he put it, around the same time they put men on the moon. And Shostakovich was composing the formidable Viola Sonata when John Lydon joined the Sex Pistols. This bewitching conflict came all the way into the new millennium, when Gorillaz's single Clint Eastwood was released in 2001, the 71 years old Clint Eastwood himself had yet to make Mystic River, Million Dollar Baby, Letters From Iwo Jima, Flags Of Our Fathers, Gran Torino, and Changeling. That single could come out today and still sounds utterly fresh, by the way.... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 14, 2010 at rebarbarised
French Kissing Map
via I'd love to believe this research but the fact that they consistently refer to bises, when — as any Truffaut fan knows — it should be baisers (or, Google translate suggests, bisous), makes me a little sceptical. Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 1, 2010 at rebarbarised
If our body is prepared to do nothing, perhaps it will do something when we tell it to
Why practice the morning sitting? Why not practice guitar for half an hour instead? 1. Before we ask ourselves to do something, we begin by asking ourselves to do nothing. When our body is prepared to do nothing when we ask it to, perhaps it will do something when we tell it to: such as, integrating & co-ordinating specialised motor skills while playing a musical instrument. 2. As relaxation develops & deepens over time, emotional states and memories fixed within muscular patterns and bodily postures lessen their hold on us. Our personal history, locked inside the body, begins to let us go; increasingly we move into the here-and-now. We gradually develop a relaxed & engaged sense of personal presence: life becomes a little more real. 3. We begin to distinguish between what-we-are & who-we-are. For example, we discover the distance between the background noise of monkey-mind, its associational rattling & automatic mental commentaries (conventionally referred to as thinking), and who is listening to it. 4. The volitional attention is practised & strengthened. Effectively, for nearly all practical concerns, the quality of our attention describes & defines who we are, and is pretty much all we can claim to own in... Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 22, 2010 at rebarbarised
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