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James Hatfield
Recent Activity
Thanks for that great review Michael.
Camerons had a bit of stick lately about Avatar being all liberal and stuff.He has pointed out his brother was a marine and was on duty during Desert Storm.
Me, I see myself as a liberal but also a fan of James Cameron's movies, I love the effect his movies have on people.
1/8/2010 Well, my instincts don’t usually let me...
1/8/2010 Well, my instincts don’t usually let me down but I have to say I was dead wrong about the movie Avatar before seeing it. I went in as completely prepared to be disappointed by the liberal overtones, the disrespect to the Marine Corps and America and struggled with whether to even see the...
James Hatfield is now following AVATAR
Jan 30, 2010
James Hatfield is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 30, 2010
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